Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

4 e e se, orte. thena day 0. Godscotertes isbetter' thena thoteAndehWhere :then he Minot 0 "484' regarde hovemuchbee knoweth , but that r one thing-isneceff4ry : then hee r Luko o. will not feeke howmuchmen arein hisbookes , but looke how greatbee is 42. inGodsbooks : then he will firfl lookewhether Chrifi honour him and af- terwards thinke tobe honouredofmen. And furelyno Mattel!: forfeeingin fCol.i. 19. Chrill fare hidalIthetreafures wifiiorneandknowledge, ,'kriCvve Chrift, and knovvé all : haueChriff,',andhaueall. terhim accept vs t'o beofhiS ftock,and thenwe cannot want great honour. Man thinketh it a great matter todefine hisAnceflors from theconquefl ofthelande, but a furpalling honour tobee ofthe blood royal!with princes : and fo it is indeede , for as the tribe ofIudah asaboue all other tribes, fo is the lineofPrinces aboue otherdefcentes. But What ifour defeat could be drawn not fib' the conquefl.,butfromNoahs flood; yet we might as vvel defcend ofcorral Camasofblared Sem:but he that once can prooue his d efcent fromChrifinthen is he'vndoubtedlieofthe tribeof hi- t Rea .21. z dab, and with Dauid fhall inheritthe t lerufalemofGod: he [hall with Sembe. king ofSalein , when the polleritie ofCanaan [hall be rooted out. This do6"trine (right Worfhipfull) ifit flucke not onelyin the cares of the hearers of our age, butcould finke into the furrowes oftheirheartes, it would bring foorthfarre more fruit then it doth.But,alas, now adayes thereare ma- is ny,PMarthas, but few Maries. Manyas x blind as thevery bcctle,and yet they 40. either dreame they fee, or will not buy eiefalue tocure theirdifeafe:. many Reuti.s, poore,but theywill noneofthisgokinnanynakcd,but CI-kith garment wil not 17" 8. fit them : it is eithertoo long,or too fhort,too [height, or too wide, toohOt or too cold,too light ortoobeanie, or fomwhat is in it that they,,vil not weare it. Manyhungrie, andyet theywill Y layout theirfiltter,andKetfor bread: Many y Eze.55. 2. 2 Pro.9,z3, thirffie,,andyet theywill giue zwifedowe leaue euen in the areaflreetes and in a Ia. 2. 12. the highefiplaces ofthecities, tocrie, Come,and driek ofmy wine that Ihatie b Job.3. i drawn,. But a theyforfake thefotoitaine littin waters,and dig thempittes,e- uen brokenpits that can ho/denowater. Thus b light is come ine theworld,but. o LtIk.i 4. menregarddarknefemorethan light: Ac.yekgofOxen,-the leafe cfafartzeihe veariage ofawife, or Ionic earthliedelight, will hinder men [nOrn comining toGods banket. rhe alit:P.7pots ofEgypt are the frael ites febcitlewhen they wil d Exo.16. 3 not dependvpori Godsprouid6ce.Yea theknowledge ofthe true God isfolk. tie let bv,that men had rather fail ió vnto thETelues gods oftheir own making, then that God ihuld fafhion th6 likevntohim The Epiciires god,plealiirekhe rich mans god,mony: theambitiousmans god,honor : aproud mindmaketh his ownpe`ifonhis god:& apopithmind a peeceofbread. his god : wheras the e:t ,Cor. trueGod is the Godofa few,& theynotofethewicefl,or oriate'llfort.Thus men J 6 19 carelittle for the knowledge ofCed,and lciTe for theknowledg oftheir own faluation.Predeflination is adoEtrin toohigh for their learning:Ele6h6 a mat- ter theykg+ thinkof. Thisopinion was foundedfirflitiihe fOrgeofa Pepifh brame, and I would it were not renuedbyothers inour dayd. They fay,hope vvelloand hauewell: O fillycomfortets: Butit is not diedutieofman tohnowe his