eEpì e Deditalorie $ .. hisele& &ioti.Owilfullblindnefle. The Lord faithby Pattie, fPresrte reamPlates fx.Cor. z 3 whetheryo.+aare in thepith. Knoaveyee notyossrow'efles, that (;hrr #fefiat dwelleth inyou,exceptye be reprobates ?Shall God bid prootte, and daresman fay, doubt? hall Paule bid examine, andwill the Pope bidbut hope?Shall the sprit oftruthcommand vs to knowour faluation,and daresa h lyingfpirit its themonth ofaf,4lfi Prophet;tearme it prefumptiontoknoòvour faluation?3Let °I° r4'7 vstriethe[ pirritswwhetherthey:treofGod,ornnet. 'ormayaformeofmanknow i12' '"'1Z° whether he beofhis fathersfamïlie,and maynot the fonnesofGodknow whe- t.I i4.1 ther theybelong to the houfhold ofGod ? Yes finely. For this is that which will make them toloue God ; and forthrsGod loueth them ágaine : this is it which will arme them again fl defpaire , and make them to beecareful) of the k I.1. commandemer...tsofGod . kA childcannot but honourbitfathersand afersmant cannot butobeyhis ma0er. With this knowledge any one be liee ofueuer fo bale apareritage,fo Pimplea reach , fo poore aneflate, or fo contemptible in the world , may enter into thekingdome and inheritanceofGod: Without this 'manynobie, nnanywif, oanyricb,many mighty, goeheadlong downe into e- lt,Cor. :9 ternallfrre.Wherefore Peeingthedoctrine ofGod , and his etern all predetiina- tion, are focontemnedby many,and condemned ofthe moil,aseither vnne- ceffarietobe learned , or át leali in the fall place ; theauthor orthis book bath taken great paines Id to fetdowne that great myGo le ofSaluation,and Dam- nation , as thatby this teatifè the iudgement ofthe Chriflian reader may bee greatlieeflablithed, and his memorie helped : his iudgment,in that the trueth ofthis dot9rine is plainely let downe ,and nothing let dotvu but the truth: his memorie in that theorder is verymethodical, & definitions br:efe. All other .Antes are drawn into method;& ifthe handmaidsbe decked info comelyat- tire,theMiflrefle mull needsbe fomewhat regarded. Mans memorie in Gods matters, is versebrittle, yea fobrittle,that with 1W jJ laC'orui7ras, thole C'hri- flians forget theirowne namcs,whoin matters of this life may compare for memorie withThenot locleshimfeife. Neither by this doe Antes controileDi- uinitie; but are as manie FTakirsto one- Sarni ,and as the G,beanites todrawe I rb.9.24. water and cleaue timber for the houfe ofteimahsGod. This hash the Author done in Latine for the benefitoffludents : and at the regnefl offomewel d if- poled ,l did take vfson me the tranflationofit into the inglifh tongue, that our ownecountrimen aright by it reapeforne profite.Thatrranilatin ofpro- fitabletreatifcs is both lawful! andneceffarie, it is nodoubt. Ancient learned rnenbothDivines and Philofophcrs,did write intheir owne mother ton`ue for the benefiteoftheir countrie. Ifthey then are commended for writing in theirownelanguage, who will condemne tranflacions from oneinto ano- ther language?Ignorance isnomore the mother ofdcuoton,but happie were n, Nuatt our land, ifaflcauldmp- ophecie.VVlierefore this treatife being thus tinifhed .I 16. commit it to thewaight of the ballance ofthe Saneluarie : and it hauing the title ofa GoldenChaire,1doubt not, but it will abide the touchllone of0od!s word. Thusyou hauc, right worfliipfsal , the Authours intention in writ ir:= , A 3 a:.d