6 The-Ept e. Dr rcpt®rr .; and mine intranflating. Itremaineth that I humblie intreateyour V iorfi,ip toentertain thepublifhing of this Treatife vnder yourVVorfhips proteólion. M anybiackemouthes are opened againa thisdo&rine,and therefore it nee deth thecountenance ofreligious and great Patrons. it hath been the vfe of hohe men in all ages to confecrate their labours vino fome wootthy perfon. A&.,.x. °LEO, he did it toTheephil as in the hifiorie ofthe Apoftles:IfLuke did well to choofeout a o=94,Xos in his dales, Ìtrufl I Thal not do amiffe tomakechoife ofa. 4,0,60,0, in ours. Thedifference is this, he did itto infiruót his Theophslwçand notto get creditevntohishiftorie : 1contrarilie, that thismypainsmightbe the better armedagainfi tharpe tongues,not to infiruóI yourVVorfh ip,whofe profefïion in religion isnot ofafhall (landing. Learning deferueth well of you, and religion better :1 haueparticulár occafion tofay fo, and our Church to thinke fo : bothofthcrn prefent untoyou thisworke, learning herpart, re- ligion hers : thisbooke , I doubt not, but I may tearme learned, it hauinghad the approbationofthebell learned : and religious, becaufe it containeth the doeirineofGod,and ofmans bothEleeiion and Reprobation. Thus miffing that thismybold enterprife in thechoife ofyour Patronagc,wil be aswelcome vnto you,as f wifh it l-rofitable to Gods Churchamongfl vs , I humblie take . my legue ofyourVVorfliip befeeching the Alrnightie God that with aday- lie increafe ofhonour inthis life, he will grant vnto you that truehonourwhich .539m.2'32 he promifethvnto fuck as honourhim. CRmhr. S. Iohnr Coll. Iulie.23. 1 592. Your Waxy-hip in all Chriflian dutie,., Robert.Hill.