To_the Chrifian ` eader. Hrifi ian Reader, thereare at thisdayfoure [cuera!! opinionsoftheorderefgodspredefli'nation.y"hefrfl,is ofthe oldeandnew Pelagians; whoplace the caufeof Gods Predeftinationin man ; it ;that they hold: , that Goddidordainmeneither to life ordeath ,according ashedidforefee,that they mould6y their naturalfree- will,eitherreieaor receiuegrace offered. Thefecond oftbem,who(offine)are rearmedLutherans; which teach,that Godforefeeing,howallmanlíndbeingAmt. vp vndervnbeleefe,nvouldtherfore rciet1grace orfered,didhereupon , purpofe to chaofefometofiltrationofhis ;mere mercie, without anyreftneU oftheirfaith, orgoodworks , and the refto reiet ,beingmooned odo this,becasefehe dideter- nallyforefee that theywould reieE7hisgrace ofcered thein theGo ell.Thethird, ofSemipelagian Papiftes, whichafcr:be Gods Fredallination ,partly tomercie, andpart lytomensforefeene preparationsandmeritoriocasworkes.7hefourth, of fachas teach, that thecauloftheexecution ofGods Predeflinattcn,is hismercy in Chriff,ín themwhicharefamed; andin themwhichpert(h,thefalland corrup- tionofmanyetfo,as the t thedecreeandeternalcounfellofGad,concerning th,; both, hath not any caufebefide his willandpleafure. O f thefefoureopinions, the threeformer lbauelabouredto oppugne,as erronious;and to ma:ntaìne the left, ,itsbeing a trath,whíchwillBeare waight in the ballanceoftheSanEluarie. Yfurtherditourle whereofbere lmake,boldto offer to thygodly conEdera- tion : in readingwhereof,reg.irdnot fo much the thingitfelf, pennedeerieflea- derlie,as mineintent and afeElion : whodefire among therefl, so callmy mite in- to the treafiarie ofthe ChurchofEngland, andfor want ofgolde, pearle and precious(lone,tobringa rasnmesslZnneormaple, anda little goat es haire, to thebuilding ofthe Lords tabernacle , Exod. 3 S. z 3. The Father o f our Lord lip's: Chriflgrant that according to the richesofhis glorie,theumaidbeftrengthenedby hisSpirit in the inner man,that Chrifl may dwellinthy heart byfaith;tatheendthat thoubeing rootedandgrounded inloue, mat/beable to comprehendwith all Saintes,what is thebreadth,and lengthand -height thereof; and to know the loue of Christ which paffeth knowledge, that thaw maiff beflledwithallfulneffiofGod. Amen. Farewell. lobe z v ?beleers ofthe la,patience ofSaints. i 592. Minch] Chria k4'us, A 4