rOne is principall:Theologieisaclew, oflihiugwellmid 1 bleffedlieforoar. 7'hebody ofholie jcripture is diftin- uijlxd into facred fciencea,whereof cr. Ethiques ,a Mlrine oflitting ho- neftlieandciuilly. II.Oeconomickes , adaring ofgoa writing afamiliewell. III. Politiques , a dettrine of the right admingration ofa com- monweal:. IIII. Ecclefallicall difcipline,ado- Others atten- ¿irisofwell ordering the Church. dances or hand- Y. The Ievvescommonweak, lnas mairies. much as itdiferethfromChurch government. VI. Prophecie , the Aine o fprea- ching VII. Academic , thedoîlrineofgo- uerning School:, well: efpeciNf thofa¡fib: Prcphetes. t.