Nn' ;. CHA P. 1",. of'the boáyofScriptureandT1 eologie. /Eit j i HebocheofScripture, is a doarine fufficient to huewell. +,t Itcomprehendeth manyholiefciences,wherof w' oneis principal,others arehandmaids or retainers. The principal fcience is Theologie. Theologie,is the fcience of living bleffedlie`or euer. Bleffed life confBeth in theknowledge of kit- God. lob.i7.3. This islifeeternall, that they know thee to be theonly very God,andwhome thous hay Pent Chrif lefus. -Efay 53. z r. By hi, knowledge thall my righteous f ruanu (viz. Chrß) iuj ifiemany.And therefore it confifteth likewife in the know ledgeofour felues,becaufe we knowGod bylooking into our felnes.. Theologiepath twoparts: the frit ofGod,the fecondofhisworkes,.. CHAP. 2.. OfGod, andthe nature ofgod. THat there IsaGod, it is euident; i.. by the cou rfe ofnature : 2. bythe natureofthe fouleofman : 3. by the diflin6 ion ofthingeshonefl and difhonett: q..bythe terrourofconfcie»ce:S.bythe regiment ofciuili. focieties: 6.theoresofal caufeshauing euerrecourfe to force former begin- ning: _n 7. the determination ofall things to their feuerail ends; 8. the content ofalltnenwellin their wits. God is IehouahElohim.Exod. 6.2. AndElohim117e a unto Mors , and faiduntohim, lam lehoaah :and Iappearedunto lhraham, to Ifaac,and to. Iacob', 6y the nameofGodalmightie, but bymy nain Iehouah was Inot kwonnse veto them..Exact. .3.r 3.Iftheyfayunto:me,what is b s name?That Addfay: unto them ?AndGod anfwerectMofs,1 am that I am Alfhefaid,thusfaalt thoufay unto thechildren oflpraell,lamhathfeit:aiaeviavon. Andgadjp.S further toMofes,thusAult thoufayunto thechildrenofIfraell, lehonah Ele him,&c. bathfeat mevrto tax ln thefe wordes,the firft title ofGod, decla, reth hisNature, the fecond his Perfons. The NatureofGod,is his moil liuely and 'nonperfe loflenc.e,. The: