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in this life. 37 .fionie hearts,and maketh them pliable, that he drar#eththem, that bee ope- neth theirfenfs,heartes, Bares, vnderí11andings : that the holyGhofi istheir nointneent,and theireìefalue,tocleare theeyes oftheirminde, to conceiue the rny(Ieries ofGods word. And the difference ofilIumination in them is three- folde. L Fir(I,the knowledgewhich the reprobate hath concerning thekingdome ofheauen , is only a generali and confidedknowledge :but the knowledge of theele&,is pure, certaine, fure,diflin&, and particular : forbit is ioynedwith b 1,9 a feeling and inwardexperience ofthe thing knowne : though indeed themind ofman is able to conceiuemore than any Chriflian heart can feele : and this is tobee feene in c Paule, whovfeth not only todefiner thepoints ofOOodsword Ç s. in a generall maser,but alto fetteth themdowne ipecialhe inhis ovine experi- Rom.7.a enc e.Sothat the enlightningofthe reprobatemay becompared to thefight of &Rorn.3. the * blindman,who fawemenwalking like vnto trees , that is in motion like car Ro.8.3 men,but in formelike trees : and the ele& are like the fameblind man, * Mai.2.24 terwaid fawe mena farre offcleerely. $ I I. Secondly, the knowledgeof the wicked d puffeth them vp : but the d t.Cor.a,z knowledge ofthe godly humbleth them. &' 4. 3 I I I. Laflly,the ele&, bexdestheknowledge ofGodsword,haue c a free e pfal.4o.6. and frankheart to performe it in their hues andconuerfations,which no repro- Tirfl.3.5 batecan baue : for theirillumination is notioyned with true and fincereobe- I. dience. By this it is eafie todilcerueoftheillumination ofAnabaptifles, or Fa rnilifts,andManyother,whick brag ofthe fpirit. VIII. The fccond isthe fight ofPanne arifingofthe knowledge ofthe lawe. To this Iercmieexhorteth the Iewes ofhis time faying,f Knowe thine iniguitìe,for fight of thou ha rebelledagain the Lordtb God, &c. Thechiefe cauieof the fight of finne. }' fIere.3. t3. finne isahrifl byhis holy fpirite,g whodetcileth the thoughtes ofmanyheurtes, óLnk.2. 2 s and iudgeth theworld of(inne. The man.eroffeeing our hunesmuff be,to know ïchn. r 6.8. themparticularlie: for thevilefl wretch in the world can generally and confu- fedlyfay,i e isafinner:but that the fight of finne may be effec` call tofaluation, it mufl be more fpeciall atad difiin& eueu inparticularfins:fo that a man may faywith Dauid, h Myfnnes leak? taken fuchholdeofinee that Iamnot able to lool`e vp: theydye more innumber thenthe haires ofmine head: therfore guyhart h Pfai 40. bathfailedme. Againe, a man muanotbatelìe fee hisparticular finnes,buthe muff afofee the circumflancesof them, as namely the f arefull curies and iudgementes ofGod , which accompanie euerie finne : for the confciences ofinauy tell them oftheir finns inparticular , yet they cannot beehumbled for them,and leauethem ; becaufe they haue not feene thatvgly tale of the curieofGod that euerie finne drawveth after it. I X. The rneanes toattaine to the fightof finne , is by a diligent examination of amans owrvne felfe : This was thepraclifeofthe childrenof I,fraell in afiii&ion; ,Lee