go The®r er7o to6 tamer Theperfe%on ofthe Nature ofGod , is his abfoluteconflitution,bythe whichheiswholycomplete within hinifelfe.Exod.3.13, fans that lam. A61. 17. 24.God that madethe world, Rndall thingsthatare thereinlivingthat he istheLordofheanenandearth,dwellethnotin temples made with hands,neit her islvarfhippedwith wens halides,As though heeneeded any thing , feeing hegi. meth to aillifeandbreathandall things. The perfe&ionofhis Nature,iseither Simplenefle,orthe Infinitenes therof. TheSimpleneffe ofhis nature, is thatbywhichheisvoidofall Logicallre- lation. He bath not inhitn,fubieól oradiunól. loll. 5.2 6. efts the Fatherbath it in himfelfe, f bath hegtuen to the Sonne to haue life inhimfelfe: Conferred with Ioh. 14. 6. am the way,the trt¢th,andthelife,l. Ioh.1. .But ifwe walk sh light,as he is in light: Conferred withv. 5. Godis light,dr in him is nodart tses Hence it is manifeff,that to haue Life,and tobeLife: tobe in Light, and tobe Light, inGodare allone. Neither is God fubieól togeneralitie,or fpeci- a ie : whole, or partes:tnatter, orthat which is madeofmatter : for fo there fliould be in Goddiuers things , and one moreperfeól then another. Therforen whatfoeuer is in God, is his efience,and allthat heis, he isby eflence.The lay- ing ofAugivftine inhis 6.bookeand4. chap. ofthe Trinitie , is fit to prooue this:7n God(faith he) tobe,andto be 6,0,or mighty,areallone: but in theminds ofman,it isnot all onetobe,dndtobemightie,oriuft:forthemindmaybedeffïw. tasteoftheft venues,andyet a mind. Hence it is manifef},that theNature ofGod isimmutableandSpiritual. Godsimmutabilitieofnatúre , is that by whichhe isvoid ofall compofiti- ern, diui(ion, andchange.Iam.1.:17. With God there isno variablenefenor fha- dowe ofchanging. Mal. 3. am the Lordandamnot changed . Where it is laid, that God repenteth, &c. Gen.6.6. the meaning is,that Godchangeth theaóli- on , as men doe that repent: thereforerepentance,it fignifiethnot any muta- tion inGod, but in his aólions, and fuch thingesas are made and changed byhim. Gods Nature, is fpirituall in that iris incorporall,and therforeinuifible.Ioh. 4. 24 Godis af/iirit.2.Cor. 3.17. TheLordù theflirit.1. Tim. i.` 17. T'othe Kingeturnall, insmortall, inuifrble,only irifeGod , beegiorieandhonourforeuer and euer. Col. 1. z 5. who isthe imageofthe inuifible god. The inünitencfle ofGOD, is twofolde :his Eternitie,.and Exceeding greatneífe. Gods eternitie, is thatby whichhe is without beginningand ending, Pfal. 90.2. Before the mountains weremade , andbeforethou had,formed theearth and the roundworlds, enenfrom euerlafling to euerlaeing,thou art our God. Reuel. 1.8. IamAlphaandOmega, that is the beginning and ending ,faith >-theLord,w hick is,Whicb was,andWhich isto come. Gods exceeding greatnefîe,is that by which his incomprehenfible na- ..ture is eueiy.where,prefent, bothwithin andwithout the world. Pfal.14 5. 3. =Great is theLorde, andworthie tobeepraifed,and hi;greatneè irincompre henfblee