offalnationaidlimn/It;aft ' benfible.i.King.8 27. Is it trueindeedthat Godwilldnellonthe earthgeholde theheatiens, andthe heavensofheakensareNot able tocontaine thee:hownotch Leff is this honfe that Ibane built? ler.23.24, Deenot Ifiltheheaven & earth, faith theLord?Hence it isplaine: Firft,that he is only one, and that indiuifible , not many, Ephcf4. 5. One Lord,onefaith,oneBaptifme,onegodandFatherofall.Deut4. 3ç. Vntothee itwas fhewed, that then mete know that theLordhe isgad, andthat thereis nonebut he 4lone.t.Cor. 8 4.Weeknow that an Idolis nothing in the wer161,and that there is noneother godbut one. And therecan be but one thing infinite in nature. Secondly,thatGod istheknower ofthe heart. For nothing is hidden front that nature, which is within all thinges, and without all thinges , which is in- cluded in nothing, norexcluded fromany thing. Becaufe LKing.8.39. The Lordparcheth heartes,and vnderflandeth euetyworkeoftheanind.Ffa111 7. 2.7hou knowefl Otitis downe ,andmy rifing vp ,than vnderflandefi my sogitationafarteoffi CH A P. 3.. Ofthelifi ofGod. Itherto,we haue fpoken ofthe perfection ofGods Nature.Nowe fol- loweth the lifeofGod, by which the DiuineNatureis in perpetuall a- 6tion,huing,and moouing'in it felfe,Ffal.42.2. Myfonle t hirfiethfor god,emenfor the lining God, whenfhall ¡comeandappeare before theprefence ofGod?Heb.3.1 2. See that therebenot at any time in any of?" an etaheart todepartfrom the lining God. ThediuineNature, is efpeciallie inperpetuall operation by three attributes, thewhich doe manifeft theoperationofGod towardes his creatures, There arehis wifedome , vvill, andomnipotencie. Thewifdome or knowledgeofGod, is thatby the whichGoddoth not by certaine notions abfira6ted from the thinges themfelues , but byhis owne e1 fence, nor fucceffiuely and by difcourfe of reafonhut by one eternall and immutable a&ofvnderflanding,dittin5the and perfeetlyknowhimfelfe , and all other thinges,though infinite, whetherthey hauebeenornot. Math. Nomankyoweth theSonnebut theFat her,northe Father but the Sonne,and be to whomthe Sonnewillreucale him. Heb.4.1.3. There is not hingcreated ,whick isnot manifellin hisfiht:bitt allthings arenake;c1c5. open tohiseyes,with whom wehaue to doe. Ffal.147.5 . rotfdome is infinite. Gods vvifdorne bath thefepartes, Hisforeknowledge,andhiscounfell. The fortknowledgeofGod, is that bywhich he rnoft affuredlieforefeethall thinges that are to come, A. 2. 23. Himhat,eye takfn by the bandes ofthe wicked,being definercd17 the detwily:ate counfill and firek,tiotvledge ofGod,. and