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12 Theorder ofthe Cams andhaste crucifiedandflaive, Rom.8. Thofewhichhe newbefore, hee.alfpre- defFinated tobe made liketo the image ofhisfonne. Thisisnot properlie fpoken ofGod,but by reafon of' men,to whome things are pall ortocome. ThecounÍell ofvod, is that by thewhich he lothmoll araightlyperceiue the befl< reafon ofall thinges that are.Prou. 8.14. 1bane cininfill andnifidom, Iactvnder,aasding,and1hariejlrength. Thewill ofGod is, thatby thewhich bee bothmoil freely and iu1 ly with onea6t willeth all thinges. Rom. 9.18. Hebath mercy enwhome hce mill, and whomehe willhe hardeneth. Ephe. r .5. whobathpredeffinatevs tobe adopted through leper C'hrifl vnte himfelfe, according to thegoodpleaftre ofhis will. lam. 4.15. Forthat whichTau fhould f y, iftheLordwill,andwcliue,we will do this orthat. d willeth that which is good,by approouing it;that which iseuill, in as ri4cli as it is euil , by difallowing and forfaking it. And yet bee voluntarily dothpermit Cain: becaufe it is good that there fhouldbe cu ill. Ad.. 14. 16. Who in timeptft Pffered all the Gentiles towxllCe in theirowne wayes. Pfal,S1, 1 2. So Igaue them vp to thehardnefl'eoftheir heart , andthey haue walkedin theircronecoonfels. The will ofGod,by reafon ofdiuers obieetes,Itath diuersNames,and isei- titer calledLoueand Hatred,or Grace and Iuflice. The Loue ofCod,is that, by the which Godapprooueth firfl himfelfe, and thenall his creatures,withouttheir defert,and in themdoth takedelight.iJob. 4.16. Gad is loue,and r hoforemaine:h in lour,remaineth in Gad, 4,0,41 God in hisn.lob. 3.16. SoGod loved theworld, th4t hegame his vnely begotten Sonne, &c.Rom, 5.8. God fetteth oint his lone towardsvs,feeii4g that while we wereyet inners , Churdied for vs. The HatredofGod,isthat bythe whichhe difliketh and deteflet'shis crea- ture offending,for his fault. a .Cor.1 o . 5. But manyofthem the Lord miflif ed, forthey perijhed in the wildern:ffê. Pfal. t .C. Thou h. Leff all the workersofini- quitie . Pfai 44.8. Than haft ion ditelliceand hatedinrq-aitie. TheGrace ofGod; is that by whichbee freelydeclareth hisfauour tohis crearures.Ram. ;1 6.lfabe ø/gr.we lt isnomoreofiores: orherwif Grace is notgrac:4,lint ifit bee of a .-'or . °s, it is no more grace. Titus 2. t 1. The grace ofGo.l(fin.dtoallrnen;teadeiigvstodenieinpietie,&c. TheG+aceofGod is eitherhis Goodnefl'e,orhs Mercy. TheGoodneflë ofGod is that by whichhce being inhimfelfe abfolntelie good, doth freche exercife his lrberalitie vpon his creatures. Matth. a 9.t7. Whycallcf thoumegood,there is nane goodbut one, evenGod.Matth.5Al. Hee m4eth his Sun toArnevpon thegood andbad,andherairieth vpon the lugand vuiuft. Godsmercie,is that bywhich hefreely affiflethalibis creatures in their mi- feries. Efay 3 o.r8. Yet will the Lord wayte,that he mayhaue mercieuponyou. Lament.3.22 ftit theLordsm. rcies, that weearenot confitmed,becaufe his c©mpa,-