Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

e f /4IMtio# andddrn4tion. / compafrent failenot.Exod. 3 3 19. Ita(epitieon phew Ito epitíe, aid aliti aMaercifaul:on whomelammerciful/. Gods Iuflice,is thatby INhich hein all things willeth thatwhich is iufl. Pfal. X o:Theísrft Lord loncthMpg?. Pfalm, 5.4. For thou art not a God that lotueth wickedneßc. Gods iuflice is in wordor deed. Iuflice inword,is that trueth by whichheconflarttlie, and indeede willeth that which beebath laide. Roman. 3. 4. Let Godbee true and eatery man a yar. Match. 24. 25. Hearten and earth Jhallpaffeaway, but my words fball notpal fe away. Hence itis, that God is iufl in keepinghis promife. Ioh. i . r. . Ifweccnfe eourfa,tres ,Godisfaithfullandiujltofargiue CAT TVIM(. 2 4 S. IIencefoorth is laid: vpforme the crowns ofrighteosfnele, 7:hich the Lord the righteous7t dgefhallgiuemeat thatday. Iutlice indeed, is that by whichhe either difpofethorrewardeth, Gods difpofing iutlice,isthat by which lice, as a not+ free 1erde ordereth rightly all thingcs inhis aófions, Pfal. s45, 17. The horde is righteous in all his wayes. Gods rewarding i uflice , is that bywhich he rendereth to his creatureac- cording to his v orke.2.Theft: 1.6. Itirialflice with God, torender affliction tofticharafjiiEiyou;óuttoyauwhich are affliíled ,releafingwithvs. i.Pet.r.r,. Therefore ifyoucallhim Father,which without refJiec`t ofperfon iudgeth ac. cording toeateryworke,paie the time efyeurdwelling heer infears 56. TheLord t batrecompcnfeihfhaifirey recompenfe. The Iuftice ofGod,is either his Gcntleneíl'e,orAnger. - GodsGentleneffe,is thatby whichhe freely befloweth vpon his creature a rc arde,2. i hcff. r. S.Whichis a token ofthe righteous indgement ofGods that yewaybc cour1tedworthy thekingdomofGod,for the whichyeealfo[offer. Matth io. 4i.. fie that receiuetb a Prophet in the name ofa Prophet, (hall hautaProploctesreward: andhe that receireetha righteousmanin thename of a righteousman .fbalireceiute therewardeofa righteous man. Andwhofoeuer Iballgiatevnt o oneof theft little ones to drinke acup ofcoldewater onel, in the nameera L) Difeiple,verilie Ifay untoyou, bee'ball not birohie reward: Gods Anger , is that by ti\ hicb heepunifheth the tranfgreffion ofhis crea- ture. Roman. 1.18. For the wrathofGodis reutaled from heassen againjiall vngodlmmefe,a1%d vnrightsoafnes ofinen, whichwithheld the trueth invnrigh- tervr.fur. fle. !oh, 'S . 3 6. He thatobeyeth not the Somit ,fhallnotfee life,6n: the x rashof God azbidesh onhim. Thus much concerning the will ofGGI3. l`voWe followeth his orñni- potencie. Gods omnipotencie , is that by Whichbee is rrroflable toperforme e- ucry worke arch. 19. 29. With men this is iwp tble, with Godall things are pofble: Some thinges notwithflanding are hecre to bee excepted, Firf%, chore thing