Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

t T&te girder ofthe eatslit thingeswhole aflionarguethan impotencie,as to lie,todenie hisworde. Titus 1.2. whichGod,thatcannot lie,hathprotnifed,2. Tim. 2. 1 3. flee cantor Jexrit birnfefe. Secondly,fuchthings as artcontrarie to the Nature ofGod,asto de- ¡troyhimfelfe , andnot to begethis forme from eternitie. Thirdly,fuch thinges as implycontradiion. For Godcannot make a trueth falle, or thatwhich is, when it is,not to be. Gods power,m aybe diflinguifhed into an abfolute and a&wall power. Godsabfolute power, is that by whichhecan do more,then he eitherdoth, orwill doe. Matth. 3.9. f f yuntoyaw, God isable ofthefe flatter toraffevp chil- dren to Abraham. Philip.3. a"t. According to the working, wherby he able to fasbduceeven allthings vntohìrrsfelfe. GodsaJuall power,is that by whichhecauleth allthinges tobe , which he freely vvill.Pfal. t 3 5.6. Allthinges which Godcvill,thofhedoth in heauenand in earth,and inalldepthse CHAP. 5. 'OfGodsglorie ,andbleffednefe. Vtofthe formerattributes,bywhich the true Iehouah is diflinguiflied From afainedgod , and from idols, arife the glorie ofGod, and his bleflednefl'e. Gods glorie or maieflie , is the infinite excellencieofhis moll Pimple and moll holiediuineNature. Flebr. 1. 3. whobeing the brightneffe ofhis glorie, and the ingrauedformeofhis perfon,dc.Dan.3.ThouartonlyGod,andglori- ous vpon theearth. By this we lee , that Godonely canknow himfelfeperfealy.Ioh.6, 46.Not thatany manbath feene the Fatherf .tiie r)ewhich is ofGod, he pathPeen theFa- ther, i. Tim. 6..t 6.11 whoonly bath immortality ,anddwelleth in thelight, that nonecanattamevnto,whomPurer nsanfawe,neithercanfee, Exod. 3 3 .18. Thou caug notfeemyface. Notwithflanding there is acertaine manifeflation of Gods glorie: partlie moreobfcure,partly more apparant. The more oblcure man-ifefl anion,is theviíonofGods maieflie in this life by theeyes ofthe.m ind,through thehelpofthings perceiued by theoutwarde 'fences.pfa.6. t.Ilaw the Iordfrttsngvponan high throne,andlifted vp,andthe lowerparses thereoffilledthe temple. Exod. 3'3 .2 2. And whilemy glory paffeth by, Iwillpast theein acleft o f the rocke,andwiucower thee withminehandwhiles Ipal by : afterIwill takeaway minehand,and thou¡halt fee my 6ackepartes, brit my face¡hail not beefeene. 1. Corinth. 13. 12. Now wefee,as through agla(fe,darkey.; The more apparant manifeflationofGod , is thecontemplation ofhim in heauen face to face. t.Cotinth.t 3.12. But rhoa(hallowfee fare toface. Dan. 7.9,