o /alndtion 4 damnation I5 7.9.10. /beheld till the thrones werefit vp , andthc,r<lttcient ofdayes diditt, wbofesarment was whitea;fnow,d c. Muth. r 9. i 6. Godsbleffedneffe,is that by v:hichGibd is inhirnfelfe, and ofL,itrfclfe all fuf icient,Gen.r7.a.1am Geoidfiyfcient, wake before me,andbe thouvp- right. Col. 2.2.9. For in himdwelleth all thefultielleofthe Godheadbodily. i. Tim. 6. s, Which indue time heyall/hew,that iebleffedandPrinceonly, &c. CHAP. 5'; Concerning theperfns oftheGodhead. THéperlons are they,which fubfifling in oneGodheade, are ditlirigui®- fhed by incommunicable properties. i. loh. S. 7. There are three. that. bearerecordinheauen,theFather,theWord,andthebob' GhoJl, and t hefethreeare one.Gen .19. 2 4,Then lebouah rainedvpon Sodom& vpáägomor- rab,brim,/lone,nndfirefrom Jehovah inbeam». lob. r . J . In thebeginning was the Word,andthe Werdwas withGod,and thatword was god. They therefore arecoequall,and aredifiinguifhed not by degree,but by or- der. Theconflitutionofa perfonis, whenas a perfonall proprietie, orthe pro- per manner offubfifiing is adioyned to the Dcitie, or onediuine /Nature, Difl'in6tion of perlons , is that which albeit euery perfon is one and thefame perfeé God,yet the Father is not the Sonne or the holyChott, but. the Fatheralone;ard the hclie Chaff is not theFather or the Sonne,butthe holie Ghoft alone : neither can they bee deuided, by reafon ofthe infinite- nefle of their moll f:mple effence,which is all one in number, and the fame. intthe Father, the fame in the. Sonne , the fame in the holle Choi} : fo . that in thee there is diuerfitie of perlons, butvnity in effence. The communion oftheper fans or rathervnion, is that by which eachone hin the refs,&with the rcfi,by reafonofthevuity ofthe Godhead:andChet face cuerieeach oneloth pofièffe,loue, and glorifieanother, and war kethe fame thing. Ìoh. a q , i o.Belcetieft thounot that Iam inthe Father,and theFather is in ewe?the wordes that 1,fcake vntoyou, 1(f eake not afary felfe,but the Father, thatdwellethinrae,he cloth the workes.Pro.8.22. The Lordbathpofffed mein the beginningofhisway: Iwasbefore the works cfold.And ver. 20.7henwas I with him asanourifher,and I wasdaylly hisdelight, rcioycing alwaybefore him... loh. r. r. In ¡hebe inningwasthc0word,and,hc Wordwas ithGod, and that. Wordwas God. and chan. S. t 9,TheSonne can doenothingofhimfe1f fame that. hefeetb the Fatherdo:,forwhatfewer thingshoe dab, thefamedoth the.Sonne- alfa. Therebe three peribns: the Father,thc'Sonue,and the holyChoit Matth. 3 16.17 And lefas ;Then her was bapitrd,cc»efir:ught outofthe water,and.. he,__