Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

iø T e er ere t loe,the heathens were openedmoo&at , and !elmlaw theSpirit ,ofgád,defern. ding li1 5? doste,andlightingvponhint:andloe,avoycecamefrom beatien,fay .! ing,This is mybelottedfonne,inwhorne Iamwet' pleafid. The Father,is a perfon without beginning,who from all eternitybegate the Sonne.Hcb. I.3.Whobeing the brightneffe oftheglense,andthe ingraued form, ofhisperfOLPfal.s.7. Thouart mySonne,this daybane Ibegotten thee. In thegenerationof the Sonne , thefeproperties mini be noted : I, He that begetteth,and he that is begottenare together , and not one before another in time. II. Hee that begetteth doth communicate with him that is begotten, not fomeonepart , but his whole effence. III. The Father begot the Sonne not out ofhimfelfe,but within in himfclfe. The incommunicablepropertieof the Father,is tobe vnbegotten to bea Father, and tobeget. He is the beginningofaaions,becaufebeebeginneth e- ntry a6tion ofhimfelfe, effe&ing it by the Sonne and the polie Gholia.Cor. 8. 6. ret woo vs , there isbut one God , which is the Fatherofwhome are all things , andwe inhim,andone Lord lefits Chri ryhotote are all thinges, and weby him. Rom. x 1. 36. For ofhim,and throughhim,andforhim areal things. The othertwo perfons haue theGodhead,or the whole diuinecant e ofthe Father by communication,namely,theSonne and theholyGhat. The Sonneis the fecondperfon , begotten oftheFather from all eremitic. Heb. x.5. For veto which ofthe e/Ingels[aid beatany time , Thonart my Son, 7hisdaybegat I thee?Col. r a 5 . Who is the imageofthe inni(ibleGod,thefir!? borne -oferiery creatitreloh. i .14. .eiveireefinv theglory thereofas the glory of theonlybegottenfon ofthe Father. Rom. 8.3 z. He wholpared not his ownSon. For this caufehe is laide to bee lent from the Father. Ioh. 8.42. Iproceeded foo)-th andcamefrom geclneithercame I ofmy[elfe, but hefent me. This feu- ding talrethnot away the equalitieofeffenceand power, but declareth theor- der oftheperlons. 1011.5.18. Therefore theleroeslought themore tcklhini,not oe;eIy becs he hadbrokenthe Sabboth:bgtfitidalfo that God was hisFather, andmade htnifelfeequal/ wi;h God. Phil. 2. 6. Whobeina 4 in theformeofGod, thought it no rcbberie tobe equallwithgod. Although the Sonbebegottenofhis Father,yetneuertheleffe he is ofand by himfelfe veryGod:forhe muff be confideredeither according tohis effence,or according to his filiationor fonflaip. In regard ofhis effencs, he i5(-ltn6geo) i. of and by himfclfe veryGod : for the Deity which is common to all the three perfons is not begotten. But as he is aperfon,andthe Sonne oftheFather, he is not ofhirrifel le, but from another:for he is the eternallSonne ofhisfather.And thushe is trulie laid to bevery Godofvery God. For thiscaufeallohe is the WO 1Z D oftheFather , not a vanifhing ,butan zfrentiall word;becaufeas a word is,as it were,begotten ofthemind; fo is the Sonne begotten of the Father; and alto ,beeaufe hee bringeth glad. ty. dinges from the bdome ofhis Father. 1\747.401.inbis Orationof the Sonne.