of lrsarion anddamnation. 1' Baftlinhisprefacebefore JohnsGofpell. The propertieoftheSonne,is tobebegotten. His proper mannerofworking, is to executeallions from theFather, by theholyGhott. i.Cor.8.6.Our Lord lefusChrifit,by whomare allthongs, and webyhim. Ioh.5. z 9.Whatfoetser thingshedoth,thefamedoththeSonnealf0. The holy Ghoft, is the third perfon, proceeding from the Father and the Sonne.loh. z 5.26.But whenthe Comforterfballcomr,whom 1 willfend vntoyoft from the Father, eue; the Spirit oftrueth, which proceedethoftheFat ¡hall teft4fieofme. Rom.8.9. Btuyearenot in thefe h, but intheprit,feeing, theffiritof Goddwelleth inyou. Butif therebee any thatbath not thefjiirit of Chrift,heis not his. loti.1 6.13 ,r 4. Butwhen theSpirit oftruethfhallcorne,bee ¡ballcondultyou intoall treteth :for hefhall notf/eákeofhimfelfe; but whatfoe- uer heheareth, he ¡hall f7ieake, and(hall declare vntoyeu loch things as are to come. Ilefhallglorifia'me, forhefhallreceineofmine,anelfbewit vastyyou. What may be theeffentiall difference betwixt procceding,and begetting, neithertheScripturesdetermine,northe Church knoweth. Theincommunicablepropertie oftheholyGhoíi,is to proceed. His propermanner ofworking,is to finifhanaólion,ffeaing it,as from the Fatherand the Sonne. And albeit theFather and theSonne are two diflin&°t perlons, yet are they both butonebeginning oftheholyGhofl. CHAP. 6. OfGodswork,es,andhis decree. THus farre concerning the fiatpart ofTheologie the fecond followeth, of the workes ofGod. TheworkesofGod,are all thofewhich hedoth outofhimfelfe, that is,outofhisdiuine effence. Thefearecommonto the Trinitie, aiwaies referued the peculiar manner of working toeueryperfon. The end ofall thefe, isthemanifeflationofthe glorieofGod. Rom.' z .36. Forhimare all things,to himbeglorieforester. The worke,oradion;ofGod,iseither hisdecree,orthe executionofhisde- cree. Thedecree ofGod, is thatbywhichGod in himfelfe, bathneceffarily, and yetfreely,from all eternitie determined all things. Eph.z , i z . Inwhomafo wee ore chofenwhenwe wereprettellinate,accordmg tothepurpofe ofhim,tvhich wor- keth allthingsafterthecounfPll ofkisownewill, and verf.4. As he bathchofin ve inhimbefore to efoundationof the world.Matth, I o.29. Arenot two [par- rovesfoldforafarthinq,andnot oneofthenofalleth ontheground withoutyour Father?Rom .9.z z. Hashnot the potterpower on theclat',to make ofthefame R /tope