Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

.41111=1111 38 he dilate ofaG3:Y ,IdtU I Lam.3.4o ¡Let vs trie(fay they)andfearchourwayes, and trtrne againe to the Lord. And Dauid giueththe fame counfell toSauls Courtiers:krribleandf¡4 not,examine k Pfa1.4,4 yewowne heartsnyour bed,andbeIlia This examination muff bemadeby the commandements ofthe Law,but fpeciallyby the tenth, which ranfacketh'the 11Co.?'. to heart to the veriequick : and was the meanes ofPaules conuerfion. For he be- ing a proud Pharifie,I thiscommandment (hewed him fomefinnes,whicho- therwifehe had not known,and it killedhim,that is, it humbledhim. Iffobe it, that afterexamination aman cannot findouthis finnes (as noman khan finde tnIcre.ry.9 out all his finnes, form theheart ofman is a vafl gulfe offinne, without either bottomor bank,and bathinfinite & hidden corruptions in it)thenhe muff ina godlie iealoufie,fufpeahimfelfe ofhis vnknowne Graves: as Dauid did,faying, 013549.12 Whocan vnderfland hisfaults?clean fme frommyfecretfaults. And as Paul oCor4.4 did,oIknownotbingbymyfelfe!yetamInot therebyiuf #hfed. Andgood reafon itis whymen fhouldfufpeet themfeluesofthofe finnes which as yet they neuer pLuk.i fawe in themfelues , Pero. that which idhighlyefleerned ansongslmen, is abo- s mination in the fight of God: and thevery q Angels are not cleave in bit C1Iob.4.r8. fights X. 3.Sorrowe Thethird is aforrowe for finne, which isapaineand pricking in theheart forfinne. arifngofthe feeling ofthe difaleafure of God, and ofthe 'Mil damnation : Aft.2.37 which followeth after finne. This was in the = Iewes after Peters fail fer- fHab.3. t 6. mon : and inHabacuck at the hearing of Gods iudgmentes : f When Iheard (faith bee) my betlie trembled: my lips !book!, at thy voyce : 'rottennefe entered tRom.E,rs intomy bones: and Itrembledin my[elf,that Imght ref, in the dayoftrouble. Thisforrovveis called the rfpiréteof bondage tof'. re : becaufe when the Spi- rite bathmade a manfee his finnes , bee fceth further thecurie ofthe Law,and fohe lindes himfelfe to be inbondagevnder Sathan, hell,death, and damnati- on:at whichmoll terrible fight hisheart is fmitten with feare and trembling, throughthe confideration ofhis hellifh anddamnable eflate. Thisforrovveifit continueand incrcafeto fóme greatmeafìrre, bath certain a10b.3,,3o Symptornesin thebodie, a as burningheate,b fowlingoftheintralles, c api- . bLam. i. ningand faintingofthe bolide parts. 20.& z. I r. X I. crea. r r , 8 In the feelingofthis forrow,three things are tobe obferued.Thefirfl,almen c }fal.32,4. mull looke that itbe feriouflie andfoundly wrought in their hearts: for looke as menvie to breake hardeHones into many final!peeces and into dull : fo mull this feeling ofGodsangerfor finne bruife the heart of a poore firmer and bring it to nothing. Andthatthis may fo be,forrow isnot to be felt for abrunt, but veryOften before the endofamans life. The godliemans f ernbia dPCa.EB.t 5 yotath. f,,fereth theterrorsofGod.Iacob wrefilwgwith theAngell gets thevi- 32 . zç erotic ofhim,cbut yet he isfaineto goe halting to his graue, and traileoneof f Exo.tzs bisloynesafter him continuallic.fThepafchalLamb wasneucreaten without zach.t 2. Lc). fowrehearbs, to Ignifiethatthey which wilbefreefrom thewrathofGodby lefus