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20 Theorder coifs CHAP. 7. OfPredcfiination andCreation. Ods decree, in asmuch as it concernethman, is called Predeflination which is the decreeofGod, by the whichhe hath ordainedall mento a certain andcuerlaftìng eftate : that is, either tofaluationor condemns- tion,for hisowneglorie. 1.T hef.5.9.For Godhathnot appointedvsvntowrath, but to obtainefaluation by the wearies gout,Lord le frws Chri/i. Rom.9.13. As it is written, i haste lined Jacob, and hatedEfau andyeti. za. what andifGod would,to¡hero his wrath,and tomake hispower knowne,fujferwith longpatience theveffelsofwrathpreparedtodeflruilson, and that hemightdeclare the riches ofbisglorievon thevefels ofmercie,which he bathpreparedvntoglorie? The meanes ofaccomplifhing Gods Predeflination,are twofold : The creation,andthe fall. The creation, isthat by whichGodmade all things, verygood, ofnothitag, that is, ofnomatter whichwas beforethecreation,Gen.i, i In thebeginning Godcreated the heaven,&c. to theendofthe chapter. Gods manner ofcreating,as alfoofgouerning,isfuch,as that by hisword a- lone, he, without anyin{lruwents, meanes,afsiffance,ormotion produced all forts ofthings. For toveill any thing with God,is both tobeeable, and toper- forme it,Heb. r r .3. Byfaithwevnderltand,that theworldwas ordainedby the wordofGod,fothat the thingswhichwefee, arenot madeofthingswhichdidap- peare.Pial.148. 5. Let thempraife thenemeoftheLord,forhecommandedand they werecreated. Thegoodnefl'eofthecreature,is a kindofezcellencie,by whichit wasvoyd ßíall finne,that is,freefrompunifhment and tranfgrefsion. The creation,isofthe world,orinhabitants in the world. The vrorld,isamofibeautiful! palace, framedout of adeformed fubfiance, and fit tobe inhabited. Theparts oftheworld,are the heauens and earth. The heauens are threefold : the firft is the ayre,the fecond theskie, the third an inuifible and incorporall effence, created tobeethe feate ofall the bleffed, -bothmen,andAngels. This thirdheaven is calledParadife, z.Cor.i 3.4. The inhabicoursoftheworld, are reafonable creatures, made accordingto Godsowne image : theyare either Angels or men. Gen.1.a6.Farthermore, GodPaid,Let ysmakeman inourówneimage,according toour likener. lob. t .6. When thechiidrenofGodcame andftood before the Lord, Satan carve adfo a- mong them. The imageofGod,is the integritie ofthe reafonablc creature,refembling God inbolines, Eph.4.z4.. Andput onthe newmanwhich after God is created an rightewwfvefund triteholìnefe. CHAP:.