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ráOnMiddatgm4tïern CHAP. 8, OfAngels., At . THeAngels eachofthem beingcreated in the beginning, Were retied in anvpright elate. inwhom there things are tobeenoted. Firft theirna- ture.Angels arefpiritual and incorporal efiences.Heb.z.l 6.Forhe in no fort tookethe lintels, but betook! ethefeedeofAbraham. Hebr. i.7. And of the Angelshefaith,hemaketb thefpiritihismeffengerr,and hü miniftersaflame Ore. Secondly,their qualities.Fira;theyare wife, z.Sam. t 4..18.Á(V lordtheking toevenasanAngellofGod inhearinggood - dad. 2. They areofgreat might, 2.Theft i .7. When the Lord IefttsJhall fhewe himfelfe from heaven with his ri ightie angels. 2.S2m. 24. Dattid!awe theAngell thatfmote thepeople. e.King.19.;5.Theftmenight theAngell ofthe Lordwent out andTr/toteiiv the campeofrlJhur,anhnndreth,fourefcore,andfluethoufarad. 3. Theyare fwift andof great agilitie,Efay6.6. Thenflew oneof'thsSeraphim: Tintome withats hate cafein hishand Dan.9.21. ThemanGabrielwhomThadfeenebefore in .e Vifton,camefying andteuchedme. This is the teafonwhy the Cherubims inthe Tabernaclewere painted withwings. Thirdly,thcyareinnumerable, Gen.3.2. Now lacot wentfoorthon hisiour- arey,andtheAngels ofGodmet him. Dan.1o .7. Thonfand thoufandsminired Intohim, and ten thonfandthonfandsffoode6eforehins.Matth.26.3 SThinkefl thou Icannotpray tomyFather,,andhewillgine memoe than twelve, legions of Angels? Heb. z 2.22.To thecon paneefinnnmera6le Angels. Fourthly,they are in the highe(f heauen, where they euerattend vponGod, andhaue focietie with him. Mark.' 8. z o. Inbeano: their Angels davits be- holdthefaceofmy FatherWhich it inheaven. Pfal 68.17. The chariots ofGod are twentie thotifand that/findAngels, and the Lord is among them. Make 12.25. Butareas Angelsinheaven. Fiftly,their degree. That therearedegrees ofAngels, it is moilplaine. Co- Id r .1 6. By himwereall thingscreatedwhicharein heaven andinearth,:hings s+ifi6leandmuifrble; whether they be thrones ordominions, or principalities, or powers.Rom.B.- 8.Nei:her _4nds.norprincip.z/iiiesnor pan-eis cc. t.Thef.4. 16. TheLordAallde%end with theweeofthe flrchangel andwith the trum- pet ofGal. Rut it is not forvsto fearch, who, or howmany beeofeach order, neitheroughtwecuriouflyto enquire how they are diflínguiflied, NA hether in effence,or qualities. Colofl.2. r 8. Let noman at his pleafaire 6eare rileotter Jonby humbleriesof mink, andwar/hipping ofangels, advancing himfelfe its thole things which henearerfaw. Sixtly,their office. Their office is partlyto ma fieGod,andpartlyto per- forme his commaundensents. Pfalme 1o3.verf..2o, a1. Praife the Lord, ye his eIngels;bat e..cellinirength, that doe hiscommandentent inobeyingthe B 3 Vioyce