22 rbeorder oftree cauls voyceofhiswerd. Praifethe Lord, aliye his beet9ye hitfertsattts that doehis pleafire. Seuenthly : The eflablifhingoffome Angels in that.integritie,iu which they were created. CHAP. 7. OfMan,andtheWall ofinnocencie. An, after beewas created of God, was eflablifhed in an excellent e- [late of innocencie. In this eflate feuen things are chiefly tobee re. garded, I. The lzlace.The garden of Heden,that moll pleafant garden. Gen.. i S, Then theLordtool the rttan,andput him into thegardenofMedan. II. The integritie ofmans nature. Which was EFh.4.24. Createdin righ. teottfnesand trueholines. This integritie bath two parts. The firfl is wifedome,which is true and perfk& knowledgeofGod, and of his will,in as much as it is tobee performed ofinan,yea,and ofthe counfelI of Cod inall his creatures, Goloff3.i. o. emendhaue , put on thenewman,zehicht reamed inknowledge, afterthe image ofhimthat createdhim. Gen.chap.2.19. when theLordGodhailformedon the earth emery beafl oftheflea-awl every fettle .ofthe heatmn,beGrogght them unto theman,to f ehozvhe zrouldcall them: for hozvfocrter theman calíedthe1ising creature, / was thename thereof. The fecond is Iuflice, which is a con`ortnitie ofthe will,affe5tions,and.po- wersofthebodic to thewill ofGod. -III. Maps dignitie,confifting offoure parts. Pita, his communion with God,by .as God rejoiced in hisown image,fo likewise manwas incet n. fed to loueGod:this is apparant byGods familiar conference withAdam,Cien. 1.19. And Godfeicl,Bchold,fhazegiuenvntoyou emeghearbbearing feed,&c. that fl .tall be toyanformeate. Secondly, his dominion ouer ail the creatures of theearth,Gen.2.t9.Pfal.8.6.'dhamhaft made himLordosier treworksoft t e hands,andh,flfet atíthing'svnderhsc feet,9ç. r`hirdly;thedecer cie,anddig_ nitieof thebodic,in which, though naked, as nothingwas enfeemely,fowas there inir imprinted a princely pìaiellie.Pfal.S. r.?bou hrtfl mAde him little lo- wer then qod, andcrownedhim withglorie andworfhhrp.Gen. 2.2j .`They were both naked,andneitheraj arszed. r.Gor. t2,az.Vpontholeembersofthebonde, /1 , whichwe thia."1serof[ vnho;.ef,psst we moreh.9nellie ód, andour m comely parts havemorecamelisaes on, Fourthly,laboutofthe hod ewithout p iueorgriefe: Gen.;-I I .Becatiethaa, ha obeiedstl v, ce thywi e ; e. cti/ e'isthe 7, 9 f f> f earth forthyfa:''e,infurrowfhalt themcateof it alltbedatesofth lafe.c e. Ilfi. Subiee.iion toGod, whereby man was bound toperOrme obedience to thecár mandementsof God : which weretwo. The onewas concerning, the two trees : the othec,theobieruation ofthe Sabboth. Gods