of t'tdtlandnddamndim: 23 Gods commandement concerningthe trees,was ordained to make exami- nation,and triall ofmans obedience. It confiflethoftwoparts : the firff,is the giuinattic treeof life,that as a figne,it might confirmeto manhisperpetual abode in the gardenofHeden,if f?iil hce pedaledinhis obedience, I{eue.2.q. Tohim thatouereiarase:h,NNill Ilueto Bate ofthe treeoflife,whichid in themidi; ofl'aradi f ofGodPro.3 .1 8.5he is a tree oflife to themwhich layholdon her andblefed is he thatretai;rethher. Thefecond, is theprohibition toBateofthe treeofthe knowledge ofgood_andeuill,togethcr with a comminationoften:- porall and eternall death, after the tranfgrefsionofthis commandement.Gen, 2.17.Ofthe treeoftheknowledge ofgoodaaadeuill, thou (halt not Bate ofit :for inthe day that thou eateji thereof,thou"halt dye thedeitth. This was a figne of death,and had his nameof the euent, bccaufe the obferuation thereofwould haue brought perpetuall happines,as the violation gauc experienceofeuill, that is,ofall mfrk'rie,namelyofpunithrecnt,andof guiltinefeoffinne. Godscomuiaandement concerning the ohferuationof the Sabboth,is that, bywhichGodordained thefanc`iificationof the Sabboth. Gen.2. 3. Godblef fedthefe.Renthday,andfanfiifiedie. V. Hiscalling, which is his feruiceofGod, in the &remotion a ofhis comet mandernents,and thedrcingofthegarden ofHeden.Pro.Godmade allthingrs forhimfefGen. 2. 15.HeplacedhimirethevardeuofHeden ,todref. c keep it. V I. His diet was thehearbes of theearth,and fruit ofeuery tree,exceptthe tree ofthe knowledgeofgood and euill. Gen.!. 29. AndGodPaid, Behold, f hauegiwenvntoyou emeryheart bearisagfeede, avh;chis vponall the earth, and emery tree,trherein i; the fruitofa treebearing f ed,that/hall be toyotafor roseate® and chap. s .1 .But ofthe tree o f knowledgeof'goodandeeaill,thou(haltnot eat, V IL His free choice,both towill,and perforcne thecommandement con- cerning the two trees,and alto toneglehand violatethe fame. Whereby wee fee that our fill}parents were indeede created perfccf, but mutable :for fa it pleafedGod toprepare a way to theexecutionof decree. CHAP. co. Of THe fall, is a reuniting of the rcafonable creature from obedience to finne. Sinne, is the corruption,or ratherdcprivatïon ofthe fir(} integritie. More plainly,it is a falling or turning fromGod,binding the ofendour by the courfe ofGods iufiice,to vndergoe the punifhment. Herea doubt may beemooued, whether Panne be a thing exiflingeor note Theanfwere is this ": Ofthings whichare, fome are pofitiue, otherprivatiueo Things pofitiue, are all f ibflances together with chofe their properties,eft fee`s tnclinations,and a;íeéóionsa which theLordbathcreated and imprinted B 4 in