Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

L 24 The orderofthe cdiifes intheir natures. That thing is called priuatiuc which graunteth orprefupp'o- feththeabfence o f Tome ought to bee in a thing. Such athing is finite, the which properly and ofit felfe is not any thing created, andexi- ftingj but rather the abfence o f that good which ought to bee in the creature. Sinnehath two parts: A defe&.orimpotencie; and is a confufionor diftur- bance o f all the powers and aiSfionsof thecreature. Impotencic is nothing els, but the very want or Ioffe o fthatgood, which God hath ingrafted in thenatureofhis creature. The fall was effected onthismanner. Firft,G©dcreatedhis reafonable creatures good indeede, but withall chaungcable, aswe haue fhewed before. For to bee vnchangeably good,is propertciGod alone. Secondly,God triedtheir obedience in thofe things about which they were conuerfant. Deut.x 3.13. Thou /halt not hearken to the vcord.eso f the Prophet, orvnto that dreamero f drearies:for the Lordyour Godprouetbyou, to knowwhetheryou loue theLord Jour God;with allyour heartyandwith allyourfoule. Thirdly, in thistriall-G od doth not affift themwith new graceto Hand, butfor iuftcaufes forfakeththe. Laftly, afterGod hath forfaken them, and left them to thcmfelues, theyfall quite fromG od: no othervvife, thenwhen aman flayingvp a ftaffe from the ground,it flandethvpright:but if he neuer lblittle withdrawhishand,itfallcth- ofit felfe The fall,is ofmen,and Angels, The fall o fAngels, is that, by which thevnderftanding, pointing at a more excellent eftate, and ofitowne accord approuing the feme, togetherwiththe will making1eipeciall choice thereof*they, albeit they might freely by their in- tegritie,haue chofen thecontrarie, were the foleinftrumcnts oftneir fall front God. the Angelswhichfinned,butcafithem down0 intohell&nddeliuered them into ebaines o f darknef/e, to beekept vntodamna~ ti$n,&c.l\xdc 6. The Angelswhich keptnot theirfirfi eftate, butleft their owne habitation, hee hath re/ertted in euerlafting ebaines, & c . Ioh.8.44. He was*- murthererfrom the beginning,andcontinued not in the trueth :for there is no trueth inhim. In the fall o f Angels,confider: Firfi,their corruption^arifingfrom theirfall*, which isthe deprauationo ftheir nature; and iseither that fearefull malice and hatred, by which they fetthemfelues againft God, ortheir infetiable defire to deftroy mankinde; to the effedfing whereof they neglcifl neither force nor fraud. I .lob.?, S*>.Hethat committethpane,is o ftheditte!l,becaufe thediuellfinnedfiomthe beginning. For this caufewasthe Sonneo fGodreueal'ed, todi/folue' the worfes ofthediuell, 1.Pet.y .8.T<?»raduerfarte thedwellgeeth about,likea roring lyonffeekingwhomhe maydeuoure.Ephe.<$.i2.Touftriue net againftfle/h mdbloud, but againft Principalities, andpowers,andw orldly gouernours, the princesofdarkneffeofthisworld,againftftirituallwickednejfes,whicharein fit* perceleftiallthings. II. Their