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ofMiaztten anddamnatio z. 2 I L Theirdegree,and diuerfitie: for ofthereAngels, oneis chick, and the reti attendants. Thechiefs isBeelzebub,prince ofthe ref}ofthediuels and the world, farreaboue them all in malice. Matth.aç.41, e/lcnay frommeyecar- fed,mto euerlafiingfire, preparedforthednrellandhisangels. 2.Cor.4, 4,whole minder thegod ofthis worldhash blinded.Rcuel. r 2.7, And there was wares i, beauen, cAtichael,and bis Angelsfought with thedragon, andthedragon and hisangelsfought. Miniftring angels, are filch as Waite vpon the diuell, in accomplifhing his wickedneffe. I I I. Their punifhment. God, nitertheir fall, gaue them ouer to perpetual) torments,without anyhopeofpa rdon. hideverf.6. a.Pet.2.. Gad !Parednot theAngels thathadfrnned,6ut cajl themdowse intoheganddelivered them in- tochaines ofd7erknes,tobe kept vnto damnation.This hedid : firfi,toadmonifh men,what great puniíhment theydeferued. Secondly, to flew, that grietiotís fnnesmuff moreggrieuouflybepunithed. The fall ofAngels was themore grieuous , becaufe both their nature was more able to refill, and the diuell was the firff founder offinne. Theirpunishment is eafier,or moregrievous. Theireafier punihment is double.Thefirfi,is theirdeie1iot) from heauen. 2.Pet.2.4.. Godcall theAngels thatfinned intohell. The fecond,is theabridg- ing and limitation of theirpower,lob.1, t2.TheLordPaiduntoSatan,Bchold, allthat he bath iein thine hand,onsy uponhimlaynot thinehand. Themoregricuous painc,is that torment in the deepe,which isendleffeand infinite,in time andmeafure. Luk.8.31. Andth j 6efugbt him, that hew.,sId: not commandthem togoedowns intothedeeps. CHAP. r1: Ofmanrfall,anddi6sdtexes. ADams.fall, washis willing reuolting todifobediencebyeating thefor bidden finite. InAdams fall,wce may note the manner, reatnes and fruiteofit. g ; 1. The manner ofAdamsfall, was on this fort. Fire, thediuell, hawing ini. mediatly before fallenhimfelfe,infinuateth vntoourfirtfparents,that both the punifbment for eating the forbidden finite was vncertaine,and that Godwas nottrue inhis word.vnto them. Secondly, by thishis legerdemain, heblinded theeyes of their vnderflanding: Thirdly, being thusblinded,they begin to di. ffruft God,and todoubt ofGodsfauour.Fourthly;they thus doubting,arcmo.. . ued tobehold the forbidden fruit. Fiftly,theyy no iôonerfee thebeau tie thereof, but they delire it. Sixtly,that they may fatisfte theirdelire, they eat ofthe fruite, which by the handsofthe woman,was taken from the tree.: by whichaed they becomevtterly difloyal)to God.Gen.3.1,3, 3,4, 5 6,7, 8 Thus