2,g Theordero/theciufer Thus 'Without conflraint, they willingly fall from their integritie, Cod upon iufl caufes leaning them to thetnfelues, and freelyf uffering them tofall. For wee mutt not thinke,that mans fall was either by chance, or God not knowing it, or barely winking at it, or by his.bare permitlion,`or.againtl his will: but rather miraculoufly,not without the \will ofGod,but yet without all approbationofit. I I. The greatnes ofthistranfgrefsionmull beeefieemed,not by the eater nail obie6l,or thebafeneffeoíanapple,but bythe offence it containethagainft Gods maieflie. This offence appeareth by many trefpaffes committed in that ac-lion. The firfi,is doubtingof Gods worde. 2. Want of faith. For theybeleeuenot Gods threatning,(Pnthedayye eatethere®f,youfhalldyethe death.) But being bewitched with the diuels prom ife, (ye fhall be lake gods) theyceafe to feareGodspunifiument,and are inflamed witha delireofgrea- ter dignitie. 3. Their curiofitie, inforfakingGods word,and feeking other wifedòme. q Their pride,in feeking tomagnifie thcmfeiiies,and tobecome likeGod. 5. Contempt ofGod, in tranfgreflïng his commaundements a. gaina theirowneconfcience. 6. In that theypreferre the diuei before God. 7.Ingratitude, who, inas muchas in themlyeth, expel! Gods fpirit dwelling in them,anddefpife that bleficdunion. 8. Theymurtherboth themfelues and theirprogenie. . 1II. Thefruit or effe6ts. Outofthiscorrupt eflateofour firflparents,:arofe the elate ofinfidelitieorvnbeleefe,wherebyGodhath included all men vn- der finne,that hemight manifeft his mercie in the faluationofCome, and his iuflice incondemnation ofothers. Rom.; r .3 2. God bath fhtet vp all men in vnbeleefe,that hemight hastemercieon all. Ga1.3.2 a . The Scripture bathcotr- clr dedall underfnne, thatthepromife by thefaith of lefass t hriftfhouldbegi- asen to themthat beleene. In thiseflate,we muff confiderfinne,andthe punifhment ofSnne. Sinne is threefold. The firfft, is the participation ofAdams both tranfgreffion andguiltinef: whereby in his finne, all his poVtcritie finned.Rom;5.12.Ashi one manfnne entred into theworld,andby f nne death :fo deathearedvponallmen,in that all raenhauerin aed.The reafon ofthis is readie.Adamwasnotthenaprivate man, but reprefented all mankinde, and therefore looke what good hee receiued from God,or euill elfewhere,both werecommon to others withhiin.a.Cor. 15.z2. As in Adamdl mendye,fo in(hrift allraen rife again. Againe,whenAdam offended,his pofleritiewas in his loya s,frotn whom theyfhould by thecourfè ofnature, iffue : and therefore takepart ofthe guil- ti.neffe withhim f ebr.y.9,t o. And tofay as the thiug i,,LeetiVic.payedill hes to 41 lch2 fedec}forhewa,eyetin the kwofh;afather 4braham,wbera 6hifideemethim. CHAP.