jlurtißts anddaramarsona' CHAP. 12. Oforiginallfaune. Vrefthe former tranfgreffron arifethanother, namelyoriginal] name, whichis corruption ingendred in ourfirf}conception, Whereby eucry facultic offouleandbodi isprone anddifpofed to euill. Pfalme 5 r,z. IW2s borne ininiqu<tie, and infaune hath my Mother conceivedme. Gcn.6.5. Titus:3.3. We ourfilmsaerein times paff vnrvife,difo6edient,deceived, f rztir. the luisanddiners pleafitres, living in rnaliciotiftes andewsie, hatefidi,4rsd h tingoneanother.Heb. i 2.T. Let vscafl awayeuer; thing thatpre thdomeAnd theln.re thatbanged)fofafton. By this,we fee that Caneis not a corruption ofmans fubflance,butonely of faculties : otherwife neithercould mens foules bee inhlflortallnorChrjft take vpon him mans nature. All Adams poderitie is equallypartaker ofthis corruption: the reafonwhy it fhewethnot it felf equallyin al,is becaufefornehaue thefpirit of fanC?ifca- tion,forne the fpirit,onely to bridlecorruption,fonie neither. The propagation of f nne,from the parents to the children, is either becaufe the foule is infe6fiedby thecontagionofthebodie,as agood ointment by a fu- ie vefleell; orbecaufe God, in theverymoment ofcreation and infufionof foules into infants, dooth vtterly forfake them. For as Adam reeeiued the i- mage ofGod, both for himfelfeand others : fodid bee lofe it fromhimfelfe and others. But whereas the propagation of finne is as a common fire in a towne, men are not fomuch to fearch how it came, as tobee careful' how tomin.; guiíh it. That we may thebetter know original'finne in thefeuerall faculties ofmans nature,three circuindances mull be confidered. r. HowmuchofGods image we yet retaine. a. How much finneman receiued fromAdam. 3. The increafe thereofafterward. I. in theminde. The remnant ofGodsimage,is certaine notions concer- ning goodand euill: as,that there is a God, and that the fame Godpunifheth tranfr;refsions: that there is an, euerlafLing life : that wee muff reuerence our luperiours,& not Forme our neighbours. But cuco therenotions,theyare both ,general' and corrupt,andhaue none othervfe,buttobercauc manofall excufe before Godsiuclgwcnt feat.Rom. a 19, ao. That rt'hich maybeknoane concer- ning g96/ ís ytda ífff ì. theta :forGo.:hath /hewed itvnto thy. For the intai f6lß things ofhtm,that'is.his- eternal' poiver& çedhecd, arefeeneby thecreation of the u'orld,temxgcö,/idered in hisaorfs,to theintent theyAuldbe withan: excrgfe. Mens mindcs receiued FromAdam r r . Ignorance,namely,a want,or rather a deprivarion ofknowledge in the thinges ofGod, whether they concerne his