s8 The order hetu4fes his fineereworfhip,or eternal/ happineffe. I .0or.].14. The naturalmanper_ eeiuethnot the things ofthefpirit ofgod,far theyarefool:ßnuunto him,nei- thercanheknow them, 6ecaufe theyarefpiritnally difcerned.Rom.8.7.Tbe wit_ domeoftbelefb is enimitie with .rod,forit is notfi bieiCt to the lateofGOd, neíd therindeedecanbe. I I. Impotencie,wherebythemind ofit felfe is vnableto vnde&and fpiri- tual things,though they be taught.Luk.24..45.Thenopenedbetheir vnderfan- ding,that they might vnderffand theScriptures. 2.Cot; 3.5.Not that weareju f ftctent *fourfelnes,tothinkany thingasoforurfelnes:6rnourMaisieitofaid. III. Vanitie,in that the minde thinkcth falfehood trueth, and trueth falfe- hood. Eph.q..y. wakenomoreas otherGentiles, in the vanttleofyour vnder. /fending.t.Cor. t .2 I.It pleafcdGod by thefooli/hnes ofpreaching,tofame theft which delete. 23. Weepreach Chrift crucified,to the/ewesahumblingblocke, buttothe Greciansfoolifbnes.Prou.I 4.12. There isaway, which f emeth good batheeyesofinen,bmt the endthereofis death. I V. A naturali inclinationonelyto conceiue and deuifethe thing which iseuill.Gen.6.5. TheLordfewthat thewickfdnes ofmanwasgreatvponeartb, andalltheimaginationsofthe thoughtsoftheheart wereone y euillcontinually. Iere.4.22. Theyarewifetodoeeted,dut to doe well they haulnoknowledge. Hence it is apparant,that theoriginall,and as I may fay, thematter ofallhe refses,isnaturallyengraffed inmans nature. This is worthie theobferuation of fludents indiuinitie. The increafeoffin in the vnderflanding,is L a reprobate fenfe,whenGod withdraweththelight ofnature.Ioh.t z.4o.Ifebathblrndedtheireyes,andhar- denedtheirhearts,leafl theyfbouldfee with t heireyes,andvuderi`andwith their :bearts,and1fbouldbeakthem,andthey beconuerted.Rom.i.28. As they reger- dednot to know God, fo Goddeliurred themvp v to a reprobate mink, to doe shofe things which are notconuenient. II. The fpirit offlumber,Rom.i i.8. Godhathgiuenthem thefiritofiurnber,&c. 1I1. Afpiritualldrunkenneffe, Efay 29.9. Theyaredrunken, but not with wine,thy /Jagger,but net byfirong drink!. I V. Strong illufions. 2.Thef, z.t t .Godthud/fendthemjirong illufions, and theythebeleeue lyes. The remnant ofGods image in the confcience, is anobferuing andwatch- full poi;er,like theeye ofakeeper,referued inman,partlyto reproue,partly to repreflè the vnbridled courteof his affehions. ROM. 2.15.which/heri the ef- J 1oftbe lawwritten intheir hearts,:heirconfciencealfo bearingwitneff , ant their thoughtsacctafi goneanotheror excufing. That which the confcien.cebathreceiuedofAdatn, is theimpurenes there- of: Titus i .1 5, To them thatare defiledandvnbeleeuingnothing itpure,btIt e- um theirminksand confeiences aredefiled. This impuritiebath threeef eels: the firf-,is toexcufe finne; as,ifa man ferueGodoutwardly,he will excufe and cioake his inward itnpietie. Mark. to.19,20. Thou lZnowe the corasrynaunde- ments,Tboil/halt not,d.c. Then hearnfwwred,and fail, C,12Qfleraittheft things haue