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of/dilution anddamn tion: 29. hamIobferuedfrommyyouth. Againe,itexcufeth intents not warranted in Gods word, i.Chron.i;.9. When theycame ta thethreprrngflooreofChidon, yrzzaputfoorth hishandtoholdthe 4rIZe,for the oxedidlha, eit. The fecond, isto accufe and terrifie for doing good. This wee may fee in . fuperflitious idolators, who aregrieuedwhen theyomit toperformecounter- feit and idolatrous worfhip to their gods.Colof.2.z 1,22. Touch not, tallnot, handle not,whichallperifb withvfing,andareafter the cormandementsanddo- arinesofmen. Efay.29. r 3. Andtheirfcaretowardme W 4 taught them by the preceptsofmen. The third, is toaccufe and terrifie for finne.Gen.j 9.1 S. when Zofephs bre tbren f air that theirfatherWAS dead ,the yf a yd, ltmay be that lofephwillhatevs, . and will pay vs againall the euill, which we diduntohrrh. Ioh. 8.9.Andwhen theyheardìt, being accufed by theirowne confciences,thcy went out oneby one. I.Ioh.3.20, Ifour heart condemnevi, Godisgreater thenour heart. Though the confcience fhall accufe aman truly, yet that will not argue any holineffe in it : Which appeareth,in that Adaminhis innocencie hadaGod, yetno ac- cufing confcience. Impureneffeincreafed inthe confcience is firfi fuchafenceIes numneffe, as that it can hardly accufea man.offinne. Eph.4. t 9. whobeingpaf!feelinghaue; giuen themfelues to wantonnes, to worIa all vncleannes, cuen withgreed=net. i.Titn.4.2. Halting theirconfeiences burnedwnh anbotyron. This.linffelefnes fpringethfrom acufiotne in finning. i.Sam.2 5.37.7hen in the morningwhen thewine wasgone out ofNa6al,hiswifetoldhim thofe words,andhis heartdyed: withinhim,andhewas likeaftone. 11. Some grieuoushorror, andterrouroftheconfcience ,Gen.4.i 4.Bebold, thou haft call me thisday from the earth, andfrom thyface Jha¡116e hid. And verf.13 .tLtypuniJhment sigreater,then IcanBeare. The Symptomesof this . difeafe,are blafphemies,tremblingofbodie,fearcful dreames.A9t.24.26.And: as he dif, utedofrighteoufnes,and temperance, and the iudgement to. come, Fe- lix trembled errc.Dan,5.9. Then the Kings countenance was changed and his thoughts troubledhim,fa that the igntsofhis loyneswere loofed,and his knees; fmoteoneagainfi theother. In thewill,the remnant ofGods image,is a freechoice. Firfl, ineuery natu- rall aetion, belonging to each liuing creature, as to nourifh, to engender, to moue,toperceiue. Secondly,in eueryhumane action,thatis,fuch asbelong to . allmen; and therefore man bath freewill in outward actions, whether they, concerne manners, a familie,cr the cormon-wealth,albeitboth in the choice and refúfall oft hemkbe very weake. Rom.2. r 4. Thegentileswhich hamnot. the law,bynaturedoethofeth! äs whichareofthelaw._ Thewill receiued. I. An impotencie,whereby itcannot will,or fomuchas . lull after that,which is.indeedegood, thatis, which maypleafeand bee accep- table toGod. 1.Cor.2.14. The ;natural manperceineth not the things of the jjiritofGod,for theyare f ooli/hncs vita. him : neither can be knew them, be-. catsfi