Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

The ord'ey o f tlhetaufes ca s fe they are fJ iritually di erased. Rotas,s.6. Chrifl, when wee nwereyet ofno ftrength, at his time diedfor 'the vn odly. 2.Tim. í.26. Phii.'a.r 3..rt is. god which worketh inyou boththewifeandthedeede,cuest ofhis woodpleafur:. IL An inward rebellion,whereby it vttcrly abhorreththat which isgood, defiring and willing that alone which iseuill. By this it appeareth,that the will is noagent,but a meere patient in the fir a ofconuerfion toGod, and that by it felfe it can neither begin that conucr- fion,or anyother inwardand found obediencedueto Godslaw. That whichthe affections receiue,is adiforder, by which they therefore are notwell affe6ted, becaufe they efchew that which is good, andpurfue that which is euill.Galat.5.24. They that areChriffs, have crucified thefief?, with theaffeUions and lugs thereof. Rom. 1.26. Therefore God game them euer to falthielofts. i.King.2 .8. The kingofI[rad fold veto Iehofophat yet is there oneofwhom thou maift talecoon fell, but himIhate,&c. and2!. q-.Therefore Achabcamehome tohishoufedi:contentedandangriefor theword whichNa- bothfpake vatehim, andhe laidhimfelfeonhis bed, turningaway hisface leaf! he:Mould Batemente. Thatwhichthebodie bath receiued,is I. fitnes to begin finne : This loth thebodie in tranfportinÿ all obie5sand occafions of finne to the foule.Gen. 3.6. Thewomanfeetng that the tree wasgoodformeate,andpleafant to the eyes, &c. took: ofthefruite thereofand didease. ;< I. A fitnes to execute finne, fo foone as theheart hath begun it. Rom. 6. Neithergiuejour membersas wea- ponsofiniuftice tofinne. and verf iç. syouhauepatenyour members asfer- na Its to vncicanncffeand iniquitie,tscommit iniquitie,c-c. CHAP. 13. OfacTtuaallfsnne. Fter originali finne in Adams pófieritie, a&uall tranfgreffion taketh 1 palace. It iseither inward or outward, Inward, is ofthe minde,will,and °at lions. Theafuall finne ofthe minde,is theeuill thought or intent thereo;contra- vie toGods lax, Examples ofeuill thoughts : God (the onely knowerof the heart) bath in dicers places let downe in his word: I. That there is no God, Pfdl. t o.4..`The wicked isfoproted,that hefeeketh notforGod,he thinlZeth-alwaies- there is no God. Ptah. t 4.1. Thefool: faith inhis heart,rhere is no God. H. That there iF. neither providence nor pretence of God in the world.Pfal.10, Y 1.11: bathfaidinhis heart, Godhad, f forgotten : hehidethaway hisface andwillneuer fee Seri t 3.s 'herefor-ekth thewicked contcmne God?befaith in hisheart,ehou wilt not regard. I I I. It imagineth fafegard to it felfe from al perils.Pfal,t o.6. Ilefaith in his+cart, I,IIßall ewer be m uednorbe in lounger.Reuel. i 8.7. She faith