Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

. . . _ _ T faith inber heart,lfitbeing aQeene,añeiamno rridowe, and f ell fee nomoar- ning. II11. It eficemeth it faremoreexcellent thenother. Apoc..r8.7. I fi'tas Prem. í.uk, r8.1 a. The Pharifie flanding thus, pratedishimfelfe, I tha: IZe thee,0 God,that lamnot anothervnen,extortioners ,vniufl,adulterers,noryet at this Publican. veri. r 2. Ifagtwrf a in the roeekZe, andsine titheofall nypo7f_ fions. V. That theGofpellofGodskingdomeismeerefool íllnes.r.Cor.2.rg..; Thenaturallmanperceitieth not the things ofthe irátofqod,forthey arefoo_ lifhnesuntohire. VI. To thinke vncharitably and malicióufly offilch as ferne God fincerely. Matth. a2.24. when thePharifes heard that, theyfaid, heca- f zetÍb not outdiuels but by the prince ofdieels. Pfa1rrr.74.2. They fayd in td, eir hearts, Let-vs deflry there altogether. VII. To thinke the dayof death faire off. Efay28.1 5. Te harmlaid,the baud. made a covenant with deith,andwith hell we areat agreement, though afcourge rua:ne arrter andpof thratagh,it find not comeat vs. VIII. That the paines ofhell may be efchewed,in theplacebe. fore mentioned, they fay, withhellbane we made agreement. IX. That God. will deferrehis bothparticular and larl generallcomnhingto iudgemen'. Luk. . r 2.19. I will figveto my faillejoule thou haft muchgoads laid vp for many yeares. and ver ,4. j . Ifthatfirmmtpy in his heart, my rmTermill dcferre his comrniYp, c Many carnall men pretend their good n:eailing: but whenGod openeth theireies,they 'Taal fee thefe rebellious thoughtsrifing in their minds,as fparkles out ofa chimney. Theaétuall finne ofbothwill andafeac}ions, is euerywicked motion, indi- nation,anddehre.Gal.ç. Thefielh luflethagairjthe fpirit. An a toall outward finne, is t'S._ t to thecommittingwhereof, themembers ofthebodiedoe,together with thefaculties ofthe foule, concurre. Such firmes as there ate infinite. Pfa1.4o. i 2. Innumerable troubles haue compaffedme, my Ameshaue take,nfilch holduponme, that Iam notable to look¿evp :yea, theyare more innumber then the hairesofmine head, . A vail finne , is ofomifsion or commifsion : Againe, both thefe are in Wards or deedes. In the fine olcommifsion,obferue there two points. Thedegrees in com- mitting a Gnne,and the differences of(ïnnes committed. The degrees, are in number foure. Iaines a. 14, iS. Everyman is temp- ted, when bee is drawee awaybyhr's ouwe concupifcence, and isentifed :Then when lufl bath conceived, it bringethfoorth finne , and fine when it isfini- /hed;bringethfoorth death. The, is temptation, whereby man is allured to finne. This Both Satan byoffering to the mindthat vt hich is,euill. Ioh.a 3. 2. The dinedhadnow put into theheart ofJudas Icariat Simons f nne tPbetray him. A61.5.3. Peter faidro Ruania3, whyhath Satanfilled thineheart that thoufhouldeff lye? &c: a .Chr. z r . r . AndSatanflood vpagain'? I fragil, andprouokedDauidtonumber ifael. This allo is effected vpon occafionoffore externall.obie which the