Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

32 Theorder ofthecauf theforesperteiuè.Iob.3 t.t. Ihawm tdeacouenantwith mineeyes,Why then fboield Ilaokeuponamaid? Tentationhath twoparts : abftraaion,and inefcation. Abltraeiion,is theaftcogitationofcommitting finne,wherebythe minde isv ithdrawne fromGodsferuice,to the which it(fluidbealwaics readieprefl. Luk.chap.t oxerf.27. Thou(halt lone theLordthygodwith all thyheart, and all thyfonle,with all thythought. Inefcation,is that whereby an euill thought conceiued, and for a time retai- ned in the minde by delighting the will and affeeìions, doth, as itwere, laya bayt for them to draw them to content. The feconddegree,isconception,which is nothingels but a confentand re- folution to commit finne. Pfal.7.verf t 4. FHefballtranailewithwickednef,he bath conceittedmifchiefe,buthefhallbringfoorth st lye. Tne third degree, is the birthof finne, namely, thecommitting offinne, by the affiftancebothof the faculties ofthe foule,and the powers ofthebodic. The fourth degree, is perfeóion, when finne being by cuftomeperfea,and, asit were ripe,the (innerreapethdeath,that is,damnation. This appeareth in the exampleofPharaoh: whereforecuflonte in anyfinne is fearefull. Sinne a6tuall committed,hath flue differences. Firfl, to confent with an offendour, and not aaually to commit finne. E. phe.s.x r . Hasse nofellowlbipwith the vnfrnitfnl1 work( ofdarkneskst repose them rather. This is done three manner ofwaits. I. When as a man in iudgement fomewhat alloweth the finneofanother. °Numb.2o.6,ro. Mofe: and Aarongathered the congregation together before the rocke,andMofesfäidunto them, Heare nowyerebels:fha11 wee kingyen wateroat ofthe rock! ?verf,t2. TheLordfpaleetoMopsand Aaron, becauf ye bsleeuedme not, tofan5tifseme in the prefenceof the children of Ifrael into theland whichIharegsuen them. I L When the heart approuethin affec`lionand content. Hither may wee teferreboththe Minifiers and the Magiflrates concealing and winking at of- fences. t.Sam.a.z3. Elaid, Wry chicle f ch things?for ofall this people I beare euillofyou. Die no moremy fonnes,&c. Now that Elks will agreeth with his fonnes fnnes, it is rnanifefl,verf.29. Thou honourefl thy children a- boneme. I I I. Indeede, bycounfell, prefence, entifement. Rom. .3/ They doenot onlydoethefame,brataltofauour themthat doe them. Mark. 6.2 5.26. Shefayd vntahermother, What fha.'lfake: and fhe(aid, lohnBaptiffsbead, &c. Aá. 22.20, When thebloodof thy MartyrSteuen wasfled, Ialtoflood by, andcon- fented unto hisdeath,andkept theclothesofthem thatflue him The fecond difference, is tofinne ignorantly, as when a man dotti not ex- prefly anddifain&lyknowwhether that whichhedoth,bea finne ornot, or if heknew lt?dldnotacknowledge andmarke it z Tim,i.23.(beforeivaaablaf.