off/dith1tion dnddamnatiotr. 33 phemer,andaperfectrtor, andanopprefur: but 7 was receiued to mercy,for I didit ignorantly through vnbeliefe. Nomb. 35.22, 23, 24. If he puJhedhire vnaduifedlyandnot of hatred , or cap vpon hire any thingwithout laying of Waite, orany (tone(wherebybee might bejlaine)andfam himnot, or caufedit to fallvponhim,andhedie,andwas not his enemie,neitherfought kin)any harms Then the congregationJhalliudge betweene the(layer and theauenger of-blood/ according to there laWes. l .Cor,4.4. Iknowe not bymyfe/Ie, yetam1not thereby iuftified.Pfaff,'9.13. Cleanfeneefrommyferretfnnes. The thirddifference,is tofinnevpon knowledge,but ofinfirmitie,as when a máfearing fome imminent danger or amazedat the horrour ofdeath, Both againfthis knowledge denie that truth, which otherwife hee wouldacknow- ledge andembrace. Such was Peters fall, arifingfrom theouernnuch raffines oftheminde,mingledwith fome feare. Thus all menoffend,when the flefh, and inordinatedefies fo ouerrule the will and euerygood endeuour,that theymayprouokeman to that, which bee from hisheart deteaeth. Rom .7.19.1doenot the thingwbieb I*ould, but the euillWhich Iwouldnot,thatdoe I. Thefourthdifference,is prefumptuous finning vponknowledg.Pfa, z9. z ;, Reepe thyferuant fromprejumptuous ftnnes: let themnot raigneotter me. Hi., therm belongeth, T. euery finne committed with an high }uncle, thatis,in forcecontempt ofGod. Numb, z 5,3 o. Theperfenthat dothprefumptnonfy, &c. Jhalbe cut offrom amongfthispeople: becaufehe pathdefifed thewordof theLord,and bath broken his commandement. IL Prefumption ofGods mer ,cie in doing cuill. Ecclef.8.11. Becau/e fentence againftan exillworke is not executed beediy ,therefore the heart ofthe childrenofmen, isfullyft in them todoe Rom. 2.4.DefpifJt thou the riches of his b©untifulne,(je, d-c. not knowing that the bountifulnefeofgod leadeth thee torepertance,&c, Thelift difference,is to finnevpon knowledge and letmaliceagainft God, and to this isthefinne againftthe holyGhofi referred. CHAP. z4. Ofthepunijhmttrt of Jinni% HTthertowebaue intreated offinne, wherewith all mankind is infeaed: in the next place fucceedeth the punifhrnent offinne, which isthree- folde. The firft is inthis life,and that diuerfewaies.Theflrfi concerneth thebodie, either m the prouifionwith troubleforthethings ofthis life, Gen.3.17. Ora prone effetodifeafe,Matth.9.2.Sonnebeofgoodcomfort , thyfins beforgruen thee. ¡oh, 5.14. Beholde, thou art madewhole,finne nomore, leapt awort thing f allvpon tbee.Deut. 28.2 r .22. The Lordefhallmale, thepepilence eleaneunto thee, vittillbebathconftmedthee from the land, etc. Or fhameofnakednesa C Gm.