34 The order of the car;:jis Cen, 3.7.Or inwonnens paines in childbirth.Gen. 3. 16, Vintothewomanhe faid,lwillgreatlieencreaf thyforrowes,andconceptions. : infirrove Aar theta bringforthchildren. .. 11. The foule is punifhedwithtrembling ofconfcience, care,-trouble, hard- ncffeofheart, anxl madiaeflè.1)eut., 8.23.7he Lord jhailfrnise thee withmad- areffe.asadwith blindneé,artdwithofoaringof heart. Ill. Thewholeman is pun if-ed,1, with fearful fubiet`tion to the regiment ofSata ì. Col. i r 3+ whichfreedwfrom thep©werofdr rkle&,and trauflated vs into thel`irgdomofhisbeloruedSon, Hcb.2 ;1+ He alfohi.>,if etfe tookeparte with them,thashe might de ,I7roy throughdeath , him that hadpower ofdeath, that is, thedtteell. II. A feparation fromthe fellowfhipofGod, and trembling at his pretence. Ephe.4. t 8. hi:wi:ng theircogitation darkened, andbeing f ran- gersrom the lifeofGod.Gen.3. to. 1heard thy voice in thegarden , andwas afraid,becatrfe Iwas naked, thereforeIhidmyfi'ife. III: Vpona maps goods, diners calamities and dammages Dem. 28. 29. Thoufbzlt crier bee oppreffed with zvro.sg,and6epouled,artdnoman f all f ccourthee, &c. to the-ends of the chapter.To thisplace maybereferred diflin&ion ofLordfhips : & ofthis.com- metha carets enlarge them,andbargaining with all maner ofciuil feruitudes, 1V.The lofleofthat Lordlyauthoritie, which man hadouer all creatures; alío their vanitie,which isnototiely aweakening, butalfo a corrupting ; ofthatex- cellencie ofthe verrues&: powers whichGod atthe firfi put into them. Rom, á 8.20,2 r.Thecreature ii-Mica to vaeitic, not of it ovine raill, butby reafenof him,which hathfubdiredit under hope, cc. V. Ina mans name, infamie and ignominie fometimesafter his death.lerenn. 24.9. Thefecond , is at theTaft gafpe, namelydeath,or achange likeunto death, Rotas.6.23. The wagesof(lnneisdeath, The third is, after this life,euen eternell cleft-rue-lionfrom Godsprefcncc,& hisexceeding glorie.2:Thelf. i 9, whofaCbepunifhed with euerlaflingperdi- :ionfrom thepretenceofGod,and theglom el-his power. CHAP. i5. OfE .lc7ioi,audoflefusGhrjJlthefoun ttionthereof. pRedeilination bath two parts; Electionand Reprobation. x. Theft 5;.9 God hashnot appointedvsto ivrath,but to ohtainefiltration by the means: ofour Lord lefsis r brill. Elcáuion, isGods dccrce, hereby onhis owne free willhcbathordained certaine men to faluation,to thepraite ofthe glorieofhisgrace. Ephe,14. 5, 6.1Iehathchofen vs in himbefore the foundationofthe world, 'accordingto the goodplea tare ofhis will to thepra.feofthegloryofhisgrace; Thisdecree, is that bookeoflife, wherein are written the names ofthe E- lea, Reuel, 20. t 2, Another book was ooened;whichisthe booke oflifeyind tha.