o f ivatian iind&p,,utioX. 35 'the deadwere judged ofthole tbinges,that were written in theboof,accordingto their Workes.2.Tirn. e. r s .Ìhefo;rndatianofGodreraineth f tre.ctaadbath this flak The Lordknowethwho ,arehis. The execution of thisdeeree,i; an anion,by whichGod,euen as hepurpo. fedwith himfelfe,worketh all thole thiugs,whichhedecreed for the faluation ofthe elect. For theywhoin_e Godele&ed to this end , thatthey fhould inhev. rite eternalllife,were alto ele iced to thofe fubordinaterneancs,swhereby,as bye fteppes,theymight attaine this end,and without which,it were impofi.ïble to obtaineit.Rain. 8.29.30.Thofewhich he ewbefore,healfo predeflinateto 6rmedelike to the imageofhisSon, thathee mightbe the fill borne amongft manic brethren : Äfereo er , whomhe predc(/i vase, themhee called ,whom be called, then hee it.11ïfied, andwhome hee iwflifted, themalpheglorified, Thereappertaine three things to the execution ofthis decree. Firfi,thefoun- dation,Seconc.iie, the meanes. Thirdly,the degrees. I'he foundation is Chrif3Iefus , calledof his Father fromall eternitie, to- perform e the officeófthe Mediator , that inhim, all thofe which fhould befa-- ued, might be chofen. Heb. s. g. Chrif toohe not to hi:n*6re thishonour, to be madetbe highPri f , but hee thatlaidunto him, Thom art mySome ,thisday Legate I thee,gaueit hiss,,&c. Efa.42.. I. àBeholse my feruant s willflny vpos hi n,mitaeeleEl, in whansernvfpuledeligbteth ; Ihavepart myfpiritvponhim,hes fbali bringforth judgment to the Gersti.'es. Ephe. Is 4. He hash chofn vs its 'him,cneaning Ghri(t. C2%ue/lion.How can Chrifi- be fubordinate vnto Gods eleóion, Peeing bee togetherwith theFatherdecreed all things?Anfraere. Chria ashe isMediator, isnot iûbordinate to theveniedecree it felcofelection , but to the execution thereofonly. z. Pet.-t.2o.(7 riflrwasordainedbefore thefoondatiöoftbe world. Augueineinhis.bookeofthepredetlination ofthe Saints, chap. 5.Chriflwas prede.flinatethatbe might beour head. InChrifl wemutt efpeciallie obferue two things,his Tncarnati6,&his Office. Totheworkingofbis Incarnation,concurre : Fire,both hisNatures.Second® -1y, theirVnion. Tlcirdly;theirdiftiníoiion. Chrif+s fire Nature,;isthe Godhead, in as muchas it belongethto the Sorg, wherebyhe is God. Phil. ì 6. .whobeing in theforme of God, thought it no rQb6erietobequail with God.Iob. z . 1. fn thebeginningwas theWord, and the Wordwas with God,and thatWord was God. It was requifitefbr theMediatour tobeGod ; I. That he might the better Curiaine thatgreat miferie , Wherewithmankind was ourwhcimed ; the great- ,tnef_fe whereof; three foure thinges declare: I. The grieuoufreffe ofomit, :wherewith Gods al Was insWifely offended. II..(3ods infinite: anger a- gaine this finne. III. The featfull power ofdeath. IV. The eiiueis tyrannie, who isprinceofthis.wvorlde. II. That hee might make his humaine nature both ofplentifiall merite,and a:fo offullicient cfficacie,fortheWork ofrnan =; re detnption. III. That bee might i f ili into all the elect eternaU life; and C 2, h li'