36., The ortier o . t l'CQtt es holiueffe..Efa. 4 3. i tJam theLord, andzhere is nonebetde .mea Sauiotar, l hauedeclared,andIhaste faued, and Ihaue!hewed , when i here' tias nofirange godamongyou : thereforeye are my wrtneffes,fasth theLord,that 14r6 I fay , theGodhead , in as much as it is the Godhead of the Sonne, is Chafes diuine Nature : not as it is theGodhead ofthe Father , or the ho lyGhoft, for it is the office ofthe Sonne , to haue the admit) i iration ofeuery outward a&ionofthe Trinitie, from the Father to the hol.cGhofl. r.Cor. 6. $,And he beingbynature thefonofthe Father, befloweth this priuiledgeon thole that beleeue, thatthey are the Sonnes of God byadoption. loh. chap. . verfe 12,. AI many as reedited him , to them hee gaue to bee theSonnet of God. Ifeither the Father orthe holyGhoft, fhouldhaue been incarnate, the tie ofSonne fhould haue beengiuen to one ofthem, whowas notthe fonneby eternall generation; and fo therefhould be moe fonnes thenone. Chrifles other nature , is his humanitie, wherebyhe,the Mediatour,is very man, :.Tim. 2.5.One ggod,andoneMediator6etweene God andrranahemoo Ghr0 Itwas neceffariethat Chrifl fhould beman.Firft that Godmm; ;.ic be paci- fed in that naturc,w, herein he was cffended. Secondlie,that he tnightvndergo punifhment due tofinne,the which the Godhead couldnot, beingvoideand freefrom all paflion, Furthermore, Chrift , ashe is man, is likevntovs in all things ,lînnc on- lyexcepted . Heb. 2. 17, Inalltbinges it becamehim to bemade likevnta his brethren. r.Cor. 13.4. Chrifl therefore is a perfediman , confiflingofaneffentiall and true fòule& bodic, whereuntoarcioyned fuchfaculties and.properties,as are efientiall vn to both . In his foule , is vnderflanding, memorie, will, and fuch like : in his bodie, length, breadth,and thickneffe:yea,it iscomprehended in one onely placevifible,fubieeto feeling,neitheristhere any thing wanting inhim,which: may eitheradorne ormakefor the being ofmans nature.. Againe, Chrifl inhis humanitie, was fubie&to theinfirmities ofmans na- ture, which are thefe:I.tobe tempted. Matth4.. r.Iefu: was cariedby the J i.. rite into thedelrt,tobe temptedof the Diuell, II. Tofeare. Heb. 5. 7. who in thedayes ofh:sfleJh didoffer vpprayers andfupplications withßrongcryingand. tearer,vntohim that was able toPilehimfrom death,andwas alfaheardinthat whichhefeared. III. Tobe angrie.Mark. 3.5. Then he looked round about ors themangerly ,mourning altofor the hardnefe oftheirhearten , andfaide vnto theman, Stretchfoorth thinehorde. IV. ForgetfuIneffe ofhisoffice impofed upon him, by reafonof the agonie aftoniíhinghis fenfes, Matth. chap. 26. verf 39. Hee went alittlefurther, andfellonhisface , andprayed , fajing, O Father,if it beepoßïble,let this cup palfromme : netterthelef , notas Iall,but. asthouwilt. Wemutthold thefe thinges concerningChriflesinftrmities; I. They were fuch