Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

o . oan°nn { arondtion. 37 filch qualities,as did onlie affe4his humane nature,andnotatallconflitute the fame: and therfore mightbe left ofChrifl. II,They werefuch aswerecom- mon toall men; as to thirfl,tobe wearie,and todie : and not:perfonall, asare agues,confurnptions, the lepro(xe,blindneßè;&c. III. He wasfubie ctothefe infirrnities,not by neceflitieofhis humaine nature,¡but byhisfreewil andplea- fure, pitying mankind: therefore inhim, fuch infirmities werenot thepunifh- ment ofhisowne fin as they are invs,but rather part ofthat hishumiliation which he did willinglievndergoe forour fakes. CHAP. 16, OftheVnionofthe twoNatures inChr f . NOwfolloweth the Vnion ofthe two Natures inChria,which efpecial- Lie concernethhis Mediation, for by ithis humanitie didfuffer death vpon the croßein fuch fort , as he could neither bee ouercome, nor perpetuallie ouerwhelmed by it. Three thinges belong to this uniting of Natures. I. Conception ,bywhich hishumainenaturewas by the twoonderfull/po. wer andoperationofGod , both immediately, that is, without mans help,and rniraculouflieframedofthefîrbflanceofthe Virgin Marie. Luke 1.3 5. The holieGhoflfha11come vpon thee, and thepower ofthemen High fhall ouerfha. dory thee. The holyGhefl cannot be laidtobe the fatherof Chrifl-,becaufe he didmi- nifler no matterto themakingofthehumanitie, but didonlyfafhion& frame it ofthe fubtlanceofthe Virgin11/47, II. San&ifcation,whereby the fame humane naturewas purified,that is,al- together feueredby thepower ofthehoue Ghoff,from the leafs (laine offinne, to the endthatit might behoue &be nade fit todie for others.Luk. r , 35.That holy thing whichfilialbeborne ofthce.fhalbecalled theSonofGod. I.Pet.3 . 18. ChrlhashoncefUjferedfortinsses, theiu/1for the vnitsft;i. Pet. 2, 22. Who didnotfnne,neither was thereguileforrnd in his mouth. III. Affumption, whereby the Word,that is,the fecondeperfon inTrinitie, tooke vponhim fletli,and the feedofAbraham, namely thathis humaineNa- tire, to theendethat it beingdefítitute ofa proper and perfonall fubtflence, mightin the perfonof theWordobtaine it: fubfifling, and, As it were, being fupported of the Werdefor euer. lohn I. 14, That Worde usas madefe(h. Hebr. chap. 2. verte 16, He tookenot vpon him the nature ofAnels ,but the fled of Abraham. In theAßûmption , we haue three thinges to confider t L Thedifferenceof thetwo natures in Chrifl, Forthe diuinenature; as it islimited to theperfon oftheSonne is perfea anda6luallyfubffling irlit felf~e :the-other not, II. Thé manes ofunion. Theperfotaofthe Sonne did by ä uming the humane Na- _ C 3 tune