ql 8 eorder t o éca t.; ture,cteate.it andb ., creating,affume it. III.Theprodu6oftheVníon.Whole Chriff,God and man, wasnotmadea newe perforaofthe twonatures, as of partes compounding a new thing; but remainedPallthe fameperfon. Nowe :svhereás the ancient Fathers tearmedChrft a compoundperfon, wce muff vn. derfIandtheuï not properly,butbyproportion. Foras the partes areunited in the whol ;,fothefe twonaturesdoconcurre 'together in one. perfon, which is the Sonne ofGod. By this wemay Iee,that Chriff is on only SonneofGod , not two : yetin two reipedles is heone. Ashe is the eternall Word,hee is by nature theSón of theFather As he is man,the fame Sonne alfo,yet not bynature orbyadoption, but only byperfonallvnion. Luke i. verte 3 5.Matth. 3. 17. This ismy belo- tacdSon, rc. . Thephrafe in Scripture agreeing to this Vnion , is the communion ofpro- perties, concerningwhich,obferuetwo rules. I.Ofthofe thinges , which are fpokenorattributed toChriff,fotre areon. lyvndertloodofhis diuine nature. As that loh. 8.58. BeforeAbrahamwas am. And that Colofl'. i. 15. Who is the insage oftheteat:fble God, thefir.l borneofetaerycreature. Some againe agree onelie tohishumanirie , asborne, faslfered, dead,buried, ec. Luke. 2.52. And ,refis increafed in wifedeme and fïzature,and infastens- rrith Godandman. Lafllie,otherthinges are vndertlood, onlyofbothnaturesvoiced together.AsMatth, 17,5. This is lilybelouedSon, inwhom only lar reel.pleatd,heare him. Ephe. Y.. 22. Ilekath arsad ïibieCt ball thing-es vasder hisfeete, andbath appointedhim veerallthinges tobe the heads to theChurch. II. Some things are fpoken ofChrifl,ashe is God,which mull beinterpre- ted according tohishumane nature. Agi, uo. 2 8.7-ofecde theChurch ofGod, that is,Chritl,which bee(according to his manhood) bathpttrchafedwithhis' ®wereblood, i,Cor:2'. 8,lfnccyhadknowncthi .r,t heywouldneuer bane crucified the Lordofolorie.Contrariiy,foine things are mentioned ofChriff , as he is man, which onelyare vnderflood of-his divine nature, lob. 3.a 3. No manof cendedvptoheauen,buthe that hat hdeftcededfrom beanen ,,theSonne ofmem which is in heaven. This is fpokenofhis manhood, whereas we mull vnder- ffand, that oneliehis Deitie came down fromheauen.loh. 6,62. what :pee fhouldfee theSonneofman, (vi. Chrifles humane nature),Cèendvp,rwbere he (vi. his Deitie)reas before.. Lafilie,by reafonofthis Vnion,Chrifl,áshe is man,is exalted aboveeuery name: yea,he is adored,andbath fach agreat (thoughnet infinite) meafureof giftes,as far furpaffe thegifles ofall Saintes andAngels.. El-her,, i , zr . Andfet himat bisright handin r.earseelyplaces,farreaboneall princicalii:e, andpower; and might,anddominatián,and eateryname i hat ti named,not in this worldonlie, dut in that alfdthat.is to corne,tieb, i:.6. When hebringethhistari begottenSon, into therrorld,hefaith, And let allthe Angels e Godworfhrphim. Col: 2. 3 . Ira rrbo lealltbetreaftret i f wifedorvze and, newled e arebidder!, Philip. "2-9. i o; Thep-. .