Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

oflitliettion etnddhrrnilatio.u. 39 7"her,fore Godexalted him onhie,andpiste hima nameabottealln4*ei,that at. the nameoflefur,euery kneefhould bow(namely,worfhip,& be fubiec`t tohim) ,otbofthi7g3:Nbearaen,aud things inBartb,andtbinge r ender theearth. CHAP. 37. Ofthed?lintfion ofbothNatures. THe di(linc`tion ofboth Natures,is that,vvherebythey,with theirproper-. tiesand effeaes,remaine, withositcompoltion , mingling ,"or conuer- lion , di(tin t. loh. I o. I7.18.Therfore BothmyFather loue me,becaráfc flap downnsy lif,tbat Imight take again. Homan tadeth itfronome , but I lay itdownofnorfelfithauepower to lay it down, andbasepowerto take itagain. loh.z3.3 a, i 2.Norris theSonofmanglorifled,dr God isglorified inhim. IfGod beglorified iaa him,Godlhalalfoglorifte him in hinefelft. Here we may obferue, that there isone will in Chrift,asGod:another,as man. Matth. 26. 39. Notat Iwill, bat as thorn wilt.This alfo approoueth that fentenceofthe Chalceden Creede. We confire,that one andthefame ChriftIefns, bothSonne, Lord,and onlybegotten>is knownandpreachedto k intwv natureswithout con frrfron,mas- tation,dtlinCtion,or f paration. . Laillie,hereby itis inanifeft,thatChri(t,whenhebecame thatwhich hewas not(namely man)continued ailthat which hewas (veryGod.) CHAP.x8. Of Chr b ills NatiaityandOffice. Tfins muchconcerningChriL s incarnation,thecleere declaration thews, ofwas byhisNatiuitie. The natiuitieofChriít, isthat wherebyMary aVirgin, did after the courfeofnature,& the cuí}omeofwomen,bring forth Chrift thatWordofthe 'fattier, &theSon ofDauid:fo that tholeare much deceiued , which areofopi- nionthat Chri(t,after a miraculous maner,came intothe world, the wombeof theVirginbeingshut. Luk. a .27.E-wryman ehrldwhichfrftopeneth thewom6, flea!be calledholy tothe Lord.The which placeoffcripture is applied toMarie & our SauiourChria. Hence is it, that theVirgin Marie is faid(Nah )tobring forth God,albeit :lie is notany waymother oftheGodhead. For Chria ashee is God, iswithout mother,andas manwithout father. It is conucnient to be thought, that Marie continued a Virgin vntill her dying day,albeitwe makenot this any article ofourbelee;e. L Chrift being now todepart the world,cornmittedhis motherto the tuitionand ca- lla ofhis difeiple lohn,. which it islike beewould not haue done , if$hee hadhad anychildren i by whom,as cuaemewas, filemighthaue beenprovi- ded for, John x y, 26. U. It is likelie that Thee whoWas with childe by the .0 4 holes