Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

40- order ofthecanjes holy Ghofl, wouldnot after knowanyman. III, It isagreedofby the Church in all ages. dhriílbeinanowe borne, was c ircuincifed theeight day,thathee might fulfill all the righteoutheffe achelaw : 8c being thirtyyeares ofage,, bee was baptized,that hebeing publiquely and folemnly inuefled intotheofficeofhis Mediatorfhipnnight take vpon him the guilt ofourfames. He was both cir- cumcifed and baptized, thatweemight learne: 1. That the whole efficacie of the Sacramcntes,depcud alone and wholy vpon him. 11. That hewas Media- tour ofmankind)both before and after the Law, asalfovndergrace.I1I. That he is theknot and bondofboth couenants, His Office followeth,tothe perfeòl accomplifhingwhereof, hee wasan riointedofhis Father,thatis, he was fufficientliefurnifhedboth withgifres and authortie, Heb.t.9. ThereforeGod, eaten thy god annointed theewith the oyle ofgladneff Jame thyfellows. Efa, 6r. t. The Spiritofthe Lord.rvas vponmee,. therfore heanointedrnee.1oh. , . z 4...Godgiuethhim not thefbirit bymeafrre.. Ifanie maninforce this asa reafon , thatChrifl could not performe the Of- fice ofa Mediatourbeing notthemeane or middle betwixt God and man, but the partie offended,and fooneofthe extreatnes:vre mull know that Chrifl is twowaycsfard tobe themiddleormeane. LBetwixt Godand all men: for being both God and rr_an, bee lothparticipate with bothextreames. II. Be- twixt God and the faithfuli onely ficti,- according tohis humanitie, whereby hereceiued"the fpirit without meattre. Secondlie,according to his diuinena. ture, naniely,as hee is theWord, Now the Worde ismiddle ,betwixt theFa- therand the fàithfull : I. In regarde oforder, becaufe theWorde was begot- tenoftheFather,and by itwe haueacceflëvnto theFather, This fubordinati- on, which is ofthe Sonnet() the Father, is not in the diuine effence , feuerallie anddillrielI e confidered burin the relation or manner ofbauing, theeffence. And after this nianer thofe things h hieb arefabordinate, cannot be vnequall, they haue oneand the fume fingular effence. I I. In regardofhis office , the which,being impofedon himby his Father; he did willinglie vndergo,andof his owne accord. Chrifl dothexercife this oéfr&according tobothnatures one per= fon, and according to eachnaturediffinect one from the other. For in recon- cilingGod and man together,theflefh performethfome thingssdiflin&lie,and. thewordother things diflinalie. Againe, Tome other thinges are done not by the word or fiefh alone, but by both together. This office is foappropriate toChrifl,thatneither in whole, or in part , can it be tranflated toaoie other.Heb.7.z4:. Thismanbecau f heendureh for euer, bathanetterlaf`lingpriefihood,or aprieflhood that cârotpalefra another.; ThereforeChrifl,as he is God,hathvnder.hina,Emperours, Kinges, Princes ro behis Vicegerents;who therefore are calledGods. Pfal 8a. i. But asbee is Mediator, that is,aPriefl,aProphet, and Kingofthe Church,he-bathnoVice- gerent, Vicar ,orLieutenant, who, in*eitherKinglie.or Priefllie office, in both