of faduatiett.AnddanifdttDf. } both, orbutone,canbeinhis acad. Chriils office is threefold, Prieftlie,Propheticall, Regal!. Pfal, i to, z. z.3. Efay.4z.z. Chrifls Prieflhood, is an officeofhis ,wherebyheperformed allthofe things toGod, whereby is obtained eternall life. Heb. 5.9, And being cocafecrate,r'as made theauthossrofeternallfaluation,vntoall them thatobey htm:andiscalled ofCódanhighPriefiforeuer after the orderofMelchifidec. Chap. 7.:.q.. 25. This manbecaufe he endttrethforeuer;bath aneuerlah'ingPrieflhoed,tvherfore beisable alfoperfellly tofute all themthat comevnio G'odby him. HisPrieflhood,conuílethoftwopartes. satisfaólion,and Interceffon. Satisfation,is thar,wherby Chrifl is aful propitiationto hisFather,for the ele6 . lob. 3 3 . z 3 .1 f therebeea rreffenger wit hhim or an interpreter,one of a thimfand,todeclare vnto man his rightuoufnef,Ie , then 11 il1hee haste mercievp- onhim,andwill fay, Veliuer him that heegoe not donne into the pit ,for Matte founda reconci(i tton. Rom. .24, Andare to ifredfreelyby hisgrace;through theredemption that is in Chrifi lef+ts.zj .Whom Godbathletfoorth to bee a re- conciliation theeughfaith in his blood.' .Iob, z. 2,11e is apropitiat i forourfins. Chrifi fatisfied Godsanger for mans offence, according to his humanitie, byperforming perfect obedience to the will ofGod,accordingto his Deitie, by mitiiflring fuch efpeciall dignitie to his perfect} obedience, as wasboth full ofinerit and efficaciebeforeGod,for the faluationofthe elet.lob. 17. ig.For- theirfal¿esfanftifieImyfe t fe,that theyaltomay aefantlifledthrough the truth. A&&. 20. 28. T ofeed the f ockZe ofCod, which heehathpurchafedwith his ovine blood. z. Cor. S ,1g. Godwas iñ Chrifl,andreconciledtheworld to himfelf,not t 3 puting their f nnesvnto them. Satisfae3ion,comprehendeth hispaflïon,and fulfilling theLaw. His paffion,is the firfl part offatisfac`lion,bywhich, hehauing vndergone. the punifh:nent offin,fatisfiedGods iuflice,and appealedhis angerfor the fins ofthe faithfull.His paflion was on thismaner, a Somewhat before hisdeath,partly fearearifng from the fenfe ofGods wrath imminent vpon him, parrlie griefe poflefhng , as it were, each part of him, fodiflurbedhis facred minde, b that inwardly for awhile it liroke into him a fiirange kinde of aflonifhrent , orrather obliuion of hisdutie impo- fedvpon hitii : and outwardlie e madehimprayvetohis Father (ifhee would) to remooue that cup fromhim, thewhich he did exprelfewith no fmallcrie, manie teares,and abloody fweate, d trickling frOmhisbody unto theground. But whenbee came againe vntohi:yifelfe, e heefreely yeelded himfelfe vnto his Father to fatisfie upon thecroffe for the tranfgrefsion of man. After this his agonie was ouerpaffed, f by Judas his treacherie Chrifl is apprehended, and g firfl bee is brought to Annas, after to Caiaphas , where Peter denieth- him : hfrom Caiaphas is he led bound toPilate , i Pilate poflethhim over to Herode,khe tranfpoflcth himback; again to Pilate, 1 who ackuowledgeth his innocencie, andyet condemnethhi i as an.offendcr. This innocent thus con,.