Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

4 T1eenteroftheca Per condemned, is RI pitifuiliefcourged, crowned with thornes,fcoffedfpitted at f irefullyadïudged to tI*deathofthecroífe,nonwhich iti's hands andfeet are fattened with nayles. Here flayednothis paflions , but after allchefe O he be- came accurfed toGod theFather, thatis, Godpoured vpon him ,beingthus innocent, fucha Lea ofhiswrath,as was equivalent to the Pnnes ofzhe whole world. He now being vnder thiscurfe, through the fenfe and feeling ofthis ftraunge:terrour, p complainethto his Father,thathee is forfaken : whonot withftanding,encountring then with Sathan andhis Angels, didvtterly van- quifh q andouercome them. When this was ended , his heart r was pierced witha fpeare, till the bloodguíhed out from his fidesa, andhegauevp i'the gho1 : and t commended his fpirit to his Fathers proteólion, the which im- mediately went intoParadife. Hisbodie, u wherofnot one bonewas broken, was buried, and three dayes was X ignominiouflie captivated of' death. a Mark. 4. 3 2. Matth. 26.38. b Ioh. 12.27. Mark. i4. 35. e Matth. 2 6, 37. 42.10h. z z. 29. Heb. 5.7. d Luk. 22.44. e Heb. 9. 5., 1. Cor. 5.5,7, Eta. 53. 10. z1, f Matth. 26.47. gloh.18. i3. 14. hIoh.18. 29.i Luk. . 23.7. 8.k Luk. 23. i5. t Matth. 27. 24. 26. m the fame place. h Ioh, zy. 18. o Gal. 3. x3. p Matth. 27. 3 5. 46. q Colofl: I. 14. 15, r Iob. z,9. 34. tHeb. 9.15.16. r Luke23.43.46.uIòh.19.33.42.XA&t. 1.z3. In this defcription ofChrifles paflion , wee maynote fiue circunrflances e- fpeciallie.. L His Agonie, namelie,a vehementanguifli, arifingvpon the eonf3i&of two contrarie defires in him: Thefirft, was tobe obedient tohisFather,The fecond toauoid the horrourofdeath. Luk. 22. 44. Beira+ inan agonte,hepray- ed moreearneflte , andhisfweat was lilt dropsofblood , tricklingdowse to the ground. Heb. 5.7. In the dayes ofhis f ef,/ didoffer vp prayers and frepplica- tionswrthftrarag crying and tearer unto him, that was abletofame himfrom death,and was alfoheardin thatwhich hefeared, I f. Hisfacrifice, which is an aC`I.ion of Chrifles, offeringhimfelfe to God the Father, asa ranfotne forthefnries óf theelea. Hebr. o. z6. Now in the endeof the world bath heeappearedonce toput away linne,by thefacri- ficeofhimfelfe. 1 n this facrifice,the oblation wasChrifl,ashe wasman.Heb. i o. io.By the which will we arefanaified,euenby theo f èringo f lefiis (brillogees-made. TheAltar allo was C4irift, as hewas analtar,wher- ofthey banenoauthoritie to eate whichferne in the Tabernacle.Heb.9. z 4.Plow machmore/ball thebloodo f (hrij ,which through theeternalfpirit ofcredhim- fefe without fof to God,purge j cur confciencefromdeadworker, to f rue the li- rrrn God? Hence isit that Chriíi is Paid to fan&ifie himiélfe,ashe isman, Ioh. x7.19. For theirpikesfanFtielryflfe.Matth.23.17. As the altar, thegift; and the temple, thegold.Mat 23. 17. Cliçiic is the Prìeít,ashe is Godand man. Heb. 5.6. Thou art a Priey for suer afterthe ordirofAelchi f dec: i.Titnoth. 2.5.6.Orse4ediatotarbetween God