offdte ttïon and an 43 Godandman,theWraan Chrisft lefm,whogatae himfelfea ranfmeforallmen,t® be tesliwonie in due time. I I I. God the fathers acceptation ofthathis facrifice,in which he was well pleated: For,häd it been thatGodhad not allowed ofit,Chrifls fufri ring had been in vaine. Matth.3 , r 7. This is my6eloued Sonne,inwhotne 1amwell plea- fed. Ephe.5.r . Even acs Chrifi louedvsandgauehimfelfefor vs tobean fering andafacrafaceofa fweetefnieílrngfavour to God. I V. Imputationof mans finne toChrifl, whereby his Father accounted himasa tranfgreffour, hauing trinflated the burden of mans flnncs to his shoulders.Efay. 5 3.4He hath borneour iotfrnities,andcarriedourforowes: yetwe did iudgehimasplaguedandfraitten ofGod,and humbled: Tat bee was woundedforourtranfreeonr,hewas brokenfor our iniquities, mac. and v. i Hewas countedwith the trassfgrejfours,endhebare thefinnesofmany. 2.Cor. ç. 2 L Heloath madehimtobefìnnefor vs, which gnawnoJana, that we lhouldale made the righteoufnesof Godin him. V.. His wonder u l humiliation, conutlingof twoparts. I. In that hee madehimfelfe offanali or no reputation in refpeel ofhis deitie.Phil. 2.7,8. He madehin-felfeofno reputation,&c.hee humbled himflfe, and became obedient unto thedeath,euen the deathofthe tree. We maynot thinke,that this debating ofChritl carne , becaufehis diuine nature, was either wafted or weakened,but becaufe his Deitiedid, as it were, layafde , andconceale hispowerand maieflie for a feafon. Andas Irenxus faith: TheWord refled that the humane naturemight be erucifaed,anddead.. II. In thathe becameexecrable,which is,by the law accurfed for vs. Gal. 3. Io, Curled isemeryone that remayneth not in allthings written in thebooks of theLame todo them. This accutfednet %,is eitherinward or outward. Inward is the fenfe ofGods fearful' anger vpon the crone. Reuel. 19. t 5. He itit that treadeth the winepreffe of thefaerc nefe andwrathofAlmightse GoalEfa.53. S. He isgrieved for our tranfgrefons,the chafltfement ofour peace wasuponhim,andwithhisjfriperwewere healed. This appeared bythofe droppes ofblood,which iffued from him, byhiscryings tohis Father vpon the crof e,&by fending ofAngels to comfort him. Hencewas it,thathe fomuch feared death,w hichmanyMartyrs entertainedmoll willinglie. Hisoutwardaccufednes,fldeth in threedegrees. LDeathvponthe-croil'e; whichwas not imaginarie,but true,becaufe blood and water iffued from his heart . For feeìngthat waterandblood gufhed foorth together , it is verylike; the casket or coate which inuefleth the heart called Pericardion,was pierced. AsColumbus obferueth inhis Anatomie,>Ioh.19.34 His.death was neceffarie , that beemight confrme tovsthe Tellament; orcouenant ofgrace promifed forour fakes.I4eb. t 9. i 5.16. For t his ceufe is be the Mediatorofthe thenew Teearaient ,thatthroughdea±h, &c, theywhich were called,naightrecei to thepromt feofeterna:linberitacefor there