Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

44 therenosfl bethe deathofbiro that made th f ament,cc.ver. i 7. ILBuriall,to ratifie the certaintyofhis death. III. Defcenfou into hell,which wemuff not vnderfiand that bee went lo. callie into the placeofthe damned, but thattfor the timeofhis abode in the graue bee was vnder the ignominious dominion ofdeath. A&f.z, e 4. Whom godbath raifedvpandloafedtheforrowsofdeath,becaufeitwasvnpoffible that heJboul4 be holdenofit.Ephef. 4. g. In that he afcended,rrhat isitbut that bee alfodefcendedfirflinto the lowcflpart oftheearth? It was neceffariethat Chrifl Mould becaptiu ated ofdeath, that heinighta- bolifh the fling,that Is thepower thereof. r.Cor. r 5., g. O death where is thy frig! Ohell where is thyviForie! Thus we haueheard ofChriffs maruellous paflion, wherebyhe kath aboli- fhedboth thefirll and fecond death, due vntovs 'forour firmes , the which (as wemay further obferue)is a perle&ranfome forthe finnesofall andeuery one ofthe elegy, j. Tim. 2. 6. Whogame hirnfelfe a ranjouieforadmen. For it was more,that Chrif} theonly begotten Sonne ofGod, yea, Godhimfelfe for a (mallwhile fhould beare the curfe ofthe Lawe,then ifthe whole world fhuld hauefufferedeternal! punifhtnent. This alfoisworthic ourmeditation,that then a man is wel grounded in the doarineofChriffes pafïon , whenhis heart ceafeth to finnc,& is pricked with thegriefeofthofe iinnes,whereby,as with fpeares hepierced the fideofthe im- maculate lambeofGod. t.Ioh. 3.6. Whe f fanneth, neither kathfeene king, nor knownhare. Zach,12.10. Andthey lhallhake,vponhim, whom they bassepier. ced , andthey'halllament for him,asone lamentethforhisonly,fonne,andbelrie forhim, asone isfurieförhisfirflborne. AfterCbriIIs palliou,followeth the fulfillingofthe Law, by whichhefatis- fred God's iuflice in fulfilling the whole Law.Rom.fs.3.4.Godfegt his ownSon, that the righteonfr,efe ofthe Law mightbefulfilledbyvs. He fulfilled the Law,partly by theholineffe ofhishumane nature, andpart- ly byobediencein the workes ofthe Law. Rom. 8.z. The Lawofthepros. of lire,rrhich is in Chrifl Iefus, baithfreedaneefrom the Lawofinne, and ofdeath. Matth.3.1 5. it becommethvs tofulfallalrighteoufnefje, &c.loh,17.19. Now fiacceedeththe fecond part ofChrifles prie[fhood,namely, interceili- on, whereby Chriff is an Aduocate, and intreaterofGod theFather for the faithful. Rom. 8.34. Chrisfi is atthe right hand of God, and makethrequefl for vs. Chrifies intercef ion is dire6led immediately toGod the Fathers. Ioh.z. Ifanymanfrn,we hauean aduocate with theFather, Buen Iefrss Chre the iufl. Nowas the Father is firfl ofthe Trinity in order,fo ifhebe appcafed,theSonne andthe holyf hoff areappealed alfo.For thereis one and the fame agreement andwill ofall the perlonsoftheTrinity.. Chrifrmaketh interceffionaccording to bothnatures, Firff,according to hishurnanity,partlie by appearingbeforehisFather inheauen , partlybydefi- ring the faluatíon'ofthe elegy. Ueb. 9.2q.. ChrtF1 isentred intovenieheauen to