of /.a/Nation a»ddammation: 4$ toappearsnowin thefight ofGodfarvs. andchap. ?. 25'. He is ableperfeilly to faue them that cometo Godbyhim, he ester !Meth tomake intercelonfor them. Secondlie, accordingto his Deity, partlieby applying the merite ofhis death; partlie by making requefl byhis holy fpirit , in theheartesof the ele&' with fighesvnfpeakcable. i. Pet. 1.2. EleEl according to theforeknowledge of theFather to the fanïlrftcationofthe Spirit.Roni. 8.26.7-he Spirit helpeth our infirmities :forweknownot what toprayas weought, bustthe Spirite itfelfv ma' keth requeflforvswithfightswhichcannot beexpre efed. Wearenot thereforeto imagineor furmife,,that Chria proflratethhimfelfe vponhis knees before his fathersthrone forvs,neither is it necefFarie,teeing his verie pretence beforehisfather, bath in it the force ofan humble peti- tion. TheendofChrifles interceffion is , that fuch asare iuflified byhis=rites, fhouldby thismeans continue in the flateofgrace. Now Chrifles interceffi- onpreferueth the cle ì in couering their continual' flippes , infirmities , and imperfect adions, by an efpecialland continuall application of his meritcs. That bythis meanes mans rerfon may remaine iuíl, andmans workes accep table to god. r.Iob. 2.2. Hee isa reconciliationforour finnes,andnot forours only, bustfor thetimes of the whole worlde. i . Pet. s. 5. Teeas liuelyflones, bee madea irituall houfeandholy Prieflhood , tooffer vpfpirituallfacrificesaccep- table to Godly Iefus Chrifl. Reuel 8.3.4. Andanother Angellcame andfleod before the altar , hauirgagolden cenfer , andmachodeursrrasgiuenTinto him . that he fliouldoffer with theprayersofall Saintsupon thegoldenaltar, which is before the throne,and thefmokeofthe odorswiththeprayers ofthe Saints,went vpbefore God out ofthe Angelshand. Thus faire concerningChri(lesPrieflhood;now followhisProphetical! and Regal! offices. His Propheticall office, isthat, whereby he immediatelie from hisFather reuealethhisword and all themeanesoffaluation comprifed in the fame. loh, . i 8. The Sonne, whichis in thebofmeofhisFather, bee bath declared vnto you. Ioh.8, 26.7Jhofethinges whichIbeareofr»yFather, Ifpeake totheworlde. Dent.i8 18, Iwilraife them vpa Prophet, &c. The wordwas firfl reuealed , partlybyvifions, by dreams,by fpecch;parr lybythe infliner &motionoftheholyghoft. Heb. At finicky times, and in dinersmaners,Godf juke inoldtime toour Fathersthe Prophets ; intheft laß dayes hehash f j'oken to vs byhis Sonne. 2.Pet.1.af. Prophecie came not inolds time by thew:!ofman,but holymenofGodlpakeas they were mooned by theho- ly Ghofl. The like is done ordinarilieonlyby the preaching of thewords, where the holieghoft doth inwardly illuminate the vnderf anding. Luk. 24.45. Then openedbe their vnderflanding,that theymight vnderfiand the Scriptnres: serf. 2i.iS. Iwillgineyotsa motor;andwifedome,whereagainfl allyour aduerfaries fhalnot deablctofpeakf ,norre ,/l.A&i6,14 Wholeheart theLord openedthat ¡he