efidisattoíl' 4314G'438'iéQtil3L.= 4,7 tisfted for-allthe refi. x . Cor: s 5 I f C.'dsrili ;yoUr,faith isin vaine ;ye arcyetiny(Mrihmes. Rom: 4. 25. Whomudclítsered to°deathf or our fiiss,sindis rifenPgaznefor our ia f ifictrtion. ILHisai.cenfion iiitoheauen ,which is a true, locâll; and yifible tranflati- onofChrifies humanenature from earth irato the highefi heaiten ofthe blef fed, by the yertue and power afhis1?eitie, 1.9. Whe,n he had fpelZ, sa tkefi . things while they Iefse1:', he wastalen vp : fira Cloud tokhinavp our of their fight: andwhile they pòo/Z°clflëcifa.gY tówardes hearten ; a3 heraear,'?behold ; two xncnfloodby t hemin white appare1l: whichal/ f ide,re`menof5ialile,whyftarnd- yegaz.ing into hearten,this lefus which is taken vpfromyore intoheauem,Iîall come asyeharrefcen himgee into läeaïren .Ephei". 4, x o. B.°e afcendedfarre3= boneal he h:ateen.r. The end ofChrifles'afcenfïon was that he-e might pr.pE:'re a,pia( e for th,:. f ithfüll, git,othem-thehone Crkofl,ani thereéternall aloriet lob. 4, 2,, In ,>:y f°atbershorfe are in-,inyrnapil7r;ris:: ifit werei7ótf,;7Wintfd;hRase toldeyo,a:IgvR toprepare apt"rlc fayoti. chap;r6:7:Iflgoe not away, the Comforter will not come vntoyore :1,:t i f Iclepar,t lwillfendhimvntoyoN. 111: His fitting at the righthandofGodtheFather , which metaphoricaily fignifieth that chillbath in'thehigheCt heauetis aauallieall glorie, power and domtïiori:Hcb. r.`3. Byhirnfelfehehäthpuuédour fsnnesr:ard litter') at the rieht handoft he mai£fie inthehi¿heft places. Pfal:xi ó. x. TheLordfaide tvrryLord,fit theft at myright hand,`till Ïmake thine enemiesthy footftoole.. s. C:or. 15. 25. Tie tnufl raigne tillhe bathpart allhis enemies vnder hisfeete. 55. FlebeingfailoftheholyChoa; lookedlfedfas7ly into heasen, and fatrthegloryofGod,antllefits ftandinçratthe right handofGod.Marke.20.22, His regall off-,ce bath twopartes.T ie firft isshis regiment ofthe kingdome ofheauen, part whereofis in heauen,tiart vpon the earth, namely the congre- gationofthe faithful'. In thegouerntnent ofhis Church, hee exerci%th two prertsbatiues royal!. The tirfi,is to makelawes.Iam.4. z 2."There isone I.-awgiuer which is able to fameand todeflroy.Thef,:c«at:dis,to ordaine his mini Piers. Ephe.4.11,,Hlegaue Tome tobeApofths;etliérs Pxoi7hets,others Eatangelifis, f rne pafloursand teat= chers r.C:or. 1 2. ib.Godhatfordained forrae in the Chatrsh., arftr3i,Apo., flles, f condly l'ro±±hetes,thirdly teachers, then them that doe miracles, after that theg:fesofhealinag;helpérs,gone;°natsrs;dinerfarieoftongtres. Chriffes go::rninent oftlte:Chctrclr; is eitner his colleÖtionofit out ofthc w'orld;orconferitation beingcol=eaed.Ephea 4, r 2 ,Pfal. x.o. The fecondpart ofhis Regal! office, is the dzf3ru&ionofthe kin.gdotné áf, tla.rkncfië.Col. r , i 3 .who haih tlelireredvsfrom thekingdomofáar:lnes. Pfa.l., :9.ThoufbaltcrFg,h . themwith afepterofyron,and:brai;e the?nisa p,eceslile it pottersvect.I,uke.19.2 7.:Fho. f mine e.enres,th«t 3ic* á: not i l'vît .t(hosel:t;. J ratneever them;bring hither,andf1J them byyra,.e me. The