4S The orderofthe caufes Thekingdom ofdarkneffe,is the whole companieofChrifls enemies. Theprince ofthis kingdome,and ofall the members thereof, is theDeui11. Ephe. z.2. rewalkedonce according to the comp"'ofthe worlde, andaf:erthe Prince that roleth intheaire,etsen the Prince that nowwoork tb in thechildren of difobedience. 2.Cor.4.4. The God ofthis worldbath6linded theeyesofthe infidels . 2. Cor. 6. i 5. What concordbath Chrift with Belial,or whatpart bath thebeleenerwith thernfidell3 The membersofthiskingdome, and íiabieetes toSatàn,arehis angels, and vnbeleéuers, amongwhome, the principalimembers are Atheiaes, who fay in theirheart, thereis no God, Pfal. 14. i. And díagitians, who bargaine with thediuell,to accomplifh their defies. i.Sam.28. 7.Pfal. 58, 5.1do1atossrs, who either adore falfegods,or the trueGod in anidol. I, Cor,' o,7.2o. Turks and Iewes are ofthis bunch ; foare Hcretikes, who arc filch as erre withper tinaciein thefoundation ofreligion. z. Tim. 2. 18. Apofiates,orreuolters from faith inChrift Iefus. Heb. 6,6. FalfeChrifles,who beare men in hand, theyare trueChrifles.Matth.24. 26. Therewere manyfuchabout thetime ofourSaui- our Chtiflhis firtl comming, as Iofcphus witneffeth,bookso. of Iewifh anti- tiquities,the i z .2z.and zq., chapters. Lafllie, that Antichrifl,who,asit isnow apparant,can be none otherbut thePopeofRome. 2. Thefí 2. 3. Let no man deceiueyoss by anymanes ,forthatday fballnotcome,excepttherecornea depar- tingfirß, andthat thatmanof finnebee difclofed,euen thefinite ofperdstion, which is anadaeerfarie,andexaltethhimfelfagainJiall thatiscalled(od,orthat iswor(hipped:fothat hedothftt as Godin theTemple ofgod ,Jhewing himfelfe that be is God. Reuel.' 3 . z s. And16ehelde another beafi comming out ofthe earth, which hadtwo hornos like the Lambe,batheef fake like the Dragon : And bedidallthat thefarf ti beafi coulddoebeforehim,andhecantd the cartb,and_thè thatdwelltberein,to wart iip thebeafl,whofedeadliewound was healed. There were then,firfl,Antachrifles at Rome,when theI3ifhops therofwould be entitled Vniuerfall,orfupreame gouernours ofthewholeworlde, but then were they complete,when thcy,together with ecclefiaflicall cenfure vfurped cìuill authoritic. After thatChrifl bath fubdued all his enemies, theretwo thinges(hall en- fue: I. The furrenderingoverofhis kingdome to God the Father, as concer- ning the regiment:forat that time fhai ceafeboth that ciuilregiment,& fpiri- tual policie,confiaing inwordand fpirit together.Ií..The fiibie ionofChria, only in regardofhis humanity,thewhich then is,when theSonneofGod fhal mofl fullymanifefl hismaieflie, which before wasobfcured by the flefh as a vane, fo that the fame flefh remaining both glorious and vnited to the Sonne ofgod, may by infinitedegreesappeare inferiour. Wemaynot therefore imagine , that the fiabieeìion ofChrifl, confffeth indiminifhi,ug the glorieof thehumanitie , butin manifeflingmoll fully the maieflie ofthe Word. CHAP.