Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

41 4n Arf. o ci vn a CHAP. CONCERNING THE 0VTWARD ME ANES efexcciiting thed,.creeofeleaion,andoftbeDecaloglie. Fterthe foundation ofEieetion, whichhath hitherto beendeliuered , it followed), that we fhould entreat oftheoutwardmeanes ofthefanie. rhe mcanes areGods Couenant ,and the Peale thereof. Gods couenant, is his contra& with man ,con. cerning life eternall,vpon certaine conditions. This couenant cont./Nthoftwoparts : Gods pro- miletoman,Mansprom ife toGod. Godspromife toman , is that,whercby hebindeth himfelfeto man to bee his God , ifhe breaknotthe condition. Manspromife toGod is that, whereby bee vowethhis allegiancevntohis Lord,and to performe thecondi:ion between them. Againe, there aretwo kindes ofthis couenant. The couenant ofwotkes, ând, The couenant ofgrace. Ierern. 3 1.3 1.42.43. Behold,thedayescome,faitis the Lord,that Iwillm4k,eanewcouenant withthekontfi, of'fried, andwith the oufi ofludah,net according to the conevant Imadewith theirfathers,when I tooke i hem by the band tobringthe' out ofthe landofEgypt ; thewhich my corse- t-antthey brake, alt howh I was an hofbandto them, aitbthe Lord. But this fhallbe the' corienantjthat will make with thehonfeofIfraelkafterthole dayes, faith tbe Lord,lwilput my law in their inroardparts,and riteit in theirharts, and willbetheir god,andtheyfhalbe mypeople. The couenant ofworkes,is Gods conenant,madewithcondition ofperfeet obedience,and is expreflcd in the moral]law, TheMorallLaw,is that part ofGodsword, which commaundethperfea obedience vnto man,as well in his natute,as inhis adions, and forbiddeth the contrarie. Rom. io. 5. Mops thuddefiribeth the righteoufneffe which is ofthe Law,t hat the inan,whichdoth theft¡hi es Jhall lmethereby. 1. Tim. .5. The endofthe conniana'ement ,is loueout ofapure hears , and ofagood confeience, andfaitb vnfiiined. Luke. i6. 27. 7hou'halt loge the Lord thy god, with all ¡bineheart,with Ithy fonle, andWithailthyfirengt h. Rom. 7. Wee kaowethat the law isgrituall. The Law bath twopartes. The Edid , commanding obedience,and the condition binding toobedience. The condition is eternalllife. to fuch as fulfill the aw : but to tranfgreffors,cueilalling death. he Decalogueor ten Commandeinentes , is anabridgment ofthe whole Lavv,and thecouenant ofvvorkes. Exod. 34. 27. And the Lordfade vnto D Mofis, 4Y