Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Mofis Write thou theft words, forafter thetenourcf theftWords,Xhams made 1 costenant Leith thee, andw th7frácl. AndWas there with the Lordfourtie dR,yesandfoirtienig ts,anddidneithercatebread,ncrdrinhewater,andhet WrateintheTables theWerdesofthe caasenrrtt, euen theten cornMandcments. I. King.8.9. <.Notbitigtt sftrthe Arke, (rate the twoT'Ales of fóne, which ,Moles hadput thereas Horeb, wherethe Lord made acouenant with the chil- dren ofifrael, when he 'brought them (vit oftheland of Egypt. Matth. 2,.2.40. n th; f two conimar.dextentsh angefh the'wholeL4nand the:PropheM. The true interpretation ofthe Decalogue, mull be according to thefe I. In thenegatiue,ehe alñrrnitiuerxtuf+ bevnder{looú : and in theafiirma- tiue, thenegatiue. II. The negatiuébindeth at alltimes', and tdall times : and theafdtr n . tiue, bindeth at all times, but not toall times: aid therefore negatiuesare-of more force. III. Vnderone vice expreffely forbidden, arecomprehended all ofthat kinde,yea,the leaf caufe, occafion, or entifement therto, isas wel forbidden, as that, r.Ioli.;.r 5. y'hofoeuerhatetii his brother, u rn;inflayer ' Matth.5. arc. tothe end. Bull thoughts arecondemned,as well aschill' adlions. IV. Thefinallea finnes are entituled with thefamenames, that that finne is,which isexpreffely forbidden inthat commau:adetnenr,towhich theyap. pertaine. Asintheformerplaces,hatred is namedmnurther, andtolookeafter a womanwith alullingeye isadulterie. V. WemuflvnderflandQuerycoinmaundémentof thelaw fo, as that.we annex this condition : vnleffe god.comm andatherwife. ForGod being an abfo- lute Lord,and foaboue thelawe, may commaund that which his law forbid. deth :fohecommanded Ifaac tobeeoffered,the Egyptianstobee fpoyled,the ' brafetnSerpent tobe ereoled which wasa figure ofChrifi,&c.: The Decalogue,isdefcribed intwoTables. The fummeofthe firflTable,is,that weloueGod withourminde,memory, affelions,and all our flrength. Matth. 22. 37. This is the fir.ft, (towit, in nature andorder) andgreat cornmandement, (narnely,in excellencie, anddig., nitie. CHAP. zo.. Of thefîrlï commandment. He &I+Table bath fourecommandements. The firfl, teachethvs tohaue and choofe the true God for ourGod. Thcwords are there. IamXehou'ah thy God, whichbrought thee out of the