e a -4tiD114y'1471k'??3tiítthoïd. >`h6 Dam! bfEgyAr; andaüt oftbé''houfeofb'ondagc. Tho%rbalchaut`ht3rfë other God but me. s.; i: sri MThORefoltaioan lava] ifanyman rather, iudge,that.there words area preface toal thecomet mandemetns,then a part of the fir1t, I hinder himnot : neuertheleffe, irislike, that itieYare áperfw'afion to thekeeping ofthe firacommandeantent: and that theyare fetbeforeit,to make wayveto it : asbeingmorehard to bee receiued, the the ref+. And thtp,ií ay,appeare,in thatthe three ciïlatrnandements next fol- lowing haue their feueralt reafons. dehouah]This wórd fignifieth three thinbes. L Him whoof himfelfe and stahiinfeifé, fromall eternitie. Reuel. 1.8. who is ,who was, and who is to eotne. il. lirii whichgiueth being to all thinges,when they were not ,partlic bycreating,partly bypreferuing theist. III. Hirn which snightilie caufeth that ¿hof thinbes which bee bath promifed, fhould both beemade,andcontinu.. ed. Exod.o. is Roan.4.17. Herebeginnethdie frft reafonbabefirfcommandement, taken4.om the nameofGod:itis thus framed. He that is lehostnh,mtef alonebethy God, But Iam Iehonah: Therefore f lotremti,# be thy God. The propófitton isWanting : theail'utnption is in thefewords(Iam Iehottab) the conclufibrilstheconiinandement. Thy GodjThcfeare the wordesofthe cowmantofgrace. Ier. 32.3 3. when by theLordpromifeth tohis people, remi lianoffinnes , and eternall life. Yea theftwordesareas a fecond reafon ofthecornmandetnents,drawne from the equalitieofthat relation, which is betweeneGodandhispeople. IfIbe thy God tboa aaine ariabemypeople,.tndtake, me alonefirth)God. But 1an:hyGod: Therefore thenmuff be mypeopic,and takeme alonefor thy God. The affumption, or fecondpartofthis reafon,is confirmed by anargument taken fromGods erèels,when he deliucred his peopleout ofEgypt,as it were from theferuitudeofarr:Oil tyrannous matter This deliuerie was not appro- priate onelyfothe Ifraelites,but in force fort to the ChurchofGod in all ages: in that it wasa type ofamore furpaffing deliuerie , from that fearful' king- domeofdarknefiè. 1. Cor,: o. ver. a . 2, I wouldnot haueyon ignorant, bree even, that allourfatherswere under theClaud , andallpapdthrough the red fea,andwere oldbaptized unto Afofes in thecloud,and in the f a.Colof t, r 3. Who bathdeliveredvsfrom thepowerofdarknes,andtranf.Patedvs intothe kin -, dame o fhisdeareTonne. Othergodsorßran e godîJ They are focalled, not that they by nature