ear ero t cru es are fuch,,orcanibe,butbecaufe thecorrupt,andmore then cd uelifli heartófrar- nal man_efleemethfo ofthem.Philip.3, I y,ÍYhofegodsi theirbellte, i Whafeminderthegodofthis worldhath6e itched. Before my facej thatis(tigurariuciy)in my fight orpreienceto hom the fecret imaginationsof the heart are knovvne: and this is the third reafon of the f rtl commandement,as ifhe fhould fay, lfthou in my pretence reieel me, it is an heinous offlicc : feetherefore thoudoe it nit. After the famemanner reafoneth theLord. Gen." 7, t . Iam GodAlnightie,therefórewakevpright. 7-he ofrrnatitsepart. Make choyfe of Iehouah tobe thyGod. The (Indieshere corn nandedjre there: I. Toacknowledge C od,that is,toknowe andconfeffc him, to bee fuck God,ashe bath reucaled himfelfe to be!inLis word, and creatures. Col. t, lc. Increa/ng isrtheI.iowíedge ofGod. Ierem,24.7. And I willgatre them anheart toknowme,that 1amthe Lord,andthey (hallbee mypeople , and Iwillbeetheir GLd:furtheyfhall return veto mewit theirwhole heart. In this knowledge of Godmull we glorie. lerem,9. 24. Let him thatglorieth,glory inahir,that bee wnderflandethand4¿noweth me :for lam t be Lordwhichf "hewmercie, itedgment and righteaufires in the earth. II. An vnion withGod,whereby man is knit inheart withGod. bib .2 3 8. St is&fall veto the Lordyo,tr God,asyeehaue doneveto thisday.A61.1 r .2 3 , HeexhortedaFl that withpatrpofeofheart ,theywould cleaue to the Lord.Man cleaueth ynto God three manner ofwayes : in affiance , iii loue, aid feare of God. Afiance,is that , wherebya manacknowledging the powerand merde of God, and in him , againft all affaults whatfoeuer, doth fledfafily refi him. fate. 2.Chron: 20. 20 . Putyour truflin the Lord y our God, andyeefhall be ,affssred,beleeutehir Frophetes andye /hallpro/ter .Pfa1.27. I . God ismy light, Fg° my f laation,ihomfho ld lfeare ?Coda thefirengthofsrry lafe,ofwhomn fhould Ibeafraid ?ver, ÿ , Though anhoaff pitchedagainll me , mine heartfliould not. be afraid: though rvarreberaifedagainfine,irvillbefecure.. Hence arifethpatience, and al.acritie inprefent periPes. Pfalm. 39. it 9. I fliouldbane been dumbe,andnotopened mysnouth,becaur thandidfi it,2,Samo. 16.10. Th Kingfind, f hat haue Itod.:exvithyouye fanner ofZerrtiah?Ifhe curfed,6ecauf theLcrdfaid,Cuar f T; uid,whatishe that darefay, WhydaeJ? thou f ? Ge 1.4 S, S.Be not fad .nesthergrteued withyourfelrtes,thatyefoldmee hither : ::PrÇoddidfendmeb:-fereyou, for ymur prefcruation. verf, 8. Now these, you fewme not but god him / i f , 2. King.6.i 6. &Irenot for they that bee with vs.aremoe,thentheythatbee with them. This aianceengeudrerhhope,which is a patientexpeélation ofGods prep fence & aßîflance in al things that are to come,Pfal.. 7. .Cömrt byray vszto sheLorda, dIrtma in htns,cndhe"boabring it topate, verf, I, Way: patient 'Vo,,