o a lattton anddamnation. 53 upon the Lerd,andhope in him,Prou. 16.3. Commit thytvorkgvnto the Lord, and thy thoughtsJiall be direRed. The loueofGod, is that, whereby man acknowledging Gods.goodneffe. and fauour towardshiin,doet-h againe loue him aboueall things. Deut,6.5, Thoufhalt love theLord thy godwtthallthine heart,with althyfaule,ai dwtth all thyfirength. Themarksofthe true loue ofGod are thefe: I. Toheare willinglyhis word. II. To fpeakoften ofhint. III. To thinkoften ofhim. IV.Todo his willwith. out yrkefomnefhe. V. Togiue bodie,&all for his caute. VI.Todelire his pre- tence aboue all,and tobewayle his abfence. VII.Toitnbrace allfuch things;as . appertain tohim. VIII. Toloue & hate that,whichhe loueth &hateth,IX. In al things to leek to pleafe hire. X. Todraw others vnto the loue ofhim. XI.Te efleemehighlyoffuck gifts& graces,as hebefloweth. XII. To flayour felues vpó his counfels reueiled inhis word: Laflly,tocal vpóhis namewithaffiance. ThefeareofGod,is that wherebyman,acknowledging Gods both mercy and iuflice,doth as it were acapital crime feare todifpleafeGod: Pfal. 103.3 with thee is reercie,thatthou rnay,7 befeared. Habak. 3.16. WhenIheardit, my belly trembled,my lips jhooke at thevoyce: rottenneff entredinto mybones, and trembled in myfelfe,that ¡might reß in theday oftrouble, when he cam-, methvpagain/I thepeople to deffroy them. Pfal 4.4.. Tremble andfinnenot. Hence arïfeth the godly mansdefre, toapprooue himfelfe in all things to hisGod.Gen. S.a2. AndHenoch walkedwithGad,af ter that,&c. Gen. 17. Godfaydto hiry, ¡anoallfuffcient,walke before me andbethouperfetl. Out ofthefe three former vertues, proceedeth ,humilitie, whereby aman acknowledging Gods freebountie,andproflratinghimfele beforehim,doth afcribe vntohim allprayfe and glorie. 1. Con r.31. Let him thatgloricth,glo-' rr in the t ord.r.Pct. 5 .5.7ecl e yourfeluesinwardly with lowlineße ofroindt. for godre;îfleth theproud,v;dgiuethgrace to the humble. v.6. Humbleyour feluer therefore under the ;nightiehandofGoá, that bee mayexaltyou in due time. r.Chron.29. io. i1.AndDanid íayd, Bleffid bethou,OLordGódofI% rael ourFatherforeuer, and,hine,O Lorde, ùgreattaesandpost>er,andglorie, andviélorie,andprayfe:forallthat is in heauen,andinearth isthive,&c, and val.. x4. But whoam I,.andWhat is mypeople, thatweefhoiddbeeable to offer Willingly on thiskrt :for allthin& comeofthee, and afthane owne hand Wee hauesmell thee,&c. Thenegatiuepart. Account not that asGod,which is by nature noGod. Inthis placeare therePinnes forbidden: I. Ignorance ofthe trueGod andhis will, which isnotonely not to know, . butalto todoubtoffuch things,asGodhathreuealed in hisword, Ierern.4.1 2, My people isfoolajh,theyhauenot knowne me:they arefoolifh children,and hauè ?tonevnderftandinrtheyarel#ife to doe euill,but to doe i ell,tbeyhattenokiorv. 3 ledge