54 The orderoft cats;s ledge. Teretn.9.3. They proceedefromettillto wort, and hastenot ¡nowne me; fattb the Lord. I I. Atheiíhc,when the heart denicili either God, or his attributes: as, his Iuflice,Wifcdorne,Prouidence,Prefence.PFd T 4.r . Thefoule bathlaidin his heart,thereisnogod. EpheC2,ia. rehad nahape,andwerewitbout God in the world. Malach.r.2. Iloueyou,faith theLcrdyetyefay,zvherein h,:ue wegroken agin1i thee?verf. r4.Teharm f id,itis in vaine to/it-tie God:andwhatprofit is it, thatwee harsekept hiscomutatrdements, and thatwee reallZed humblybefore the LordofboJles? I I. Errours concerningGod, the perfonsof theDeitie,or theattributes. Here is tobee reprooucd Hellenifine, which is the acknowledging andado.. ringofa multiplicitie ofgods. Augutf, inhis 6. booke of the Citie of God. Chap.. Abine,ludaifine is herecondemned, whichwor(hippeth one God with- out Chrifl. TheIikemay befaid ofthehercfies oftheManiches,andMarcian,whodeny God the Father : ofSabellius,denying the dttlin&ion ofthree perfons : andAr- rius,v, ho faith,that Chrifa theSonne ofGod,is not veryGod. I V. To withdraw,and remooue the affections oftheheart, from theLord', andfet thetaupon other things.Efay.z9.t 3 . TheLord f aid,tbispeopledrawetb neeremer'ith theirmouth, andhonorme with their lips, 6r# their heart ù farre fromme. Icrcm. r z. z. Thou art neere in their mouth, andfamefrom their reines. The heart is manywaies withdrawne fìomGod. I. By diflrutl in God. Heb.r o.3 8. Therunfhall liuebyfaith,but ifanywith. drawbimfelfe,my fulel allhavenopleafnre inhim. From this diffidencearife ; I. Impatience infuffering afi&cions. Ierem.2o.r 4. C'urfedbe the day wherein Iwas borne,and let not the daywhereinmymother barenre,beblefed.y I.3 .Gar- fedbe the man,t hat/hereedmyfather,faying,a man child is borneunto thee,and comfortedhirer. verf: r S. How is it that IcameforthOf thewombe, tofee labour andforrow,that my dayes flonld bee confirmed with /harne? 11. Temptingof God,when fuch as diflrufl,or rather contemnehim,feeke finesof Gods truth andpower.Matth.4.7. Thoufhaltnot tempt theLord tbyGod. "Corinth. ro.6. Neither letvs temptGod, as they temptedhim, andweredeiiroyedby ferpents. ver. ro. Neithermurmureye,asfotneofthemmuraettsredrend weredes i'royed of thedes7roycr. III. Defperation.Gen.4.t3. e.el,finein±guitieisgreaterthen canbee pardoned. a . Theff. 4. r 3. Sorroweyeenot, as they whichbane no hope. 1V. Doubtfulnes,concerningthe truthofGodsbenefits prefent, or to come. Pfalm.1m.6.1 r.IPaidin mine has7e,allmenare lyars. I I. Confidencein creatures, whether it bee in their(liength,asIerem.i Cur/24U the roan,that bathkb-confidence inman,andmakZet h f efh his arme,but . his heart(lidethfrom theLord. OrRiches .Matth.6.z4.Tecannot ferneGodard riches. Ephefs.s. No couetousperfons which isanidolater, bath inheritance in thekingdom ofChri t andof God. Ordcfènced places. Iere.49:16.Thyfeare, and))